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Tidal effects in gravitational waves from neutron stars in scalar-tensor theories of gravity


Steinhoff,  Jan
Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Creci, G., van Gemeren, I., Hinderer, T., & Steinhoff, J. (in preparation). Tidal effects in gravitational waves from neutron stars in scalar-tensor theories of gravity.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0010-8940-B
We compute tidal signatures in the gravitational waves (GWs) from neutron
star binary inspirals in scalar-tensor gravity, where the dominant adiabatic
even-parity tidal interactions involve three types of Love numbers that depend
on the matter equation of state and parameters of the gravitational theory. We
calculate the modes of the GW amplitudes and the phase evolution in the time
and frequency domain, working up to first order in the post-Newtonian and small
finite-size approximations. We also perform several case studies to quantify
the dipolar and quadrupolar tidal effects and their parameter dependencies
specialized to Gaussian couplings. We show that various tidal contributions
enter with different signs and scalings with frequency, which generally leads
to smaller net tidal GW imprints than for the same binary system in General