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The role of the nonmodal auxiliary 'hebben' in Dutch as a second language


Verhagen,  Josje
Language Acquisition Group, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Max Planck Society;
The Comparative Study of L2 Acquisition, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Max Planck Society;

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Verhagen, J. (2005). The role of the nonmodal auxiliary 'hebben' in Dutch as a second language. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 140, 109-127.

The acquisition of non-modal auxiliaries has been assumed to constitute an important step in the acquisition of finiteness in Germanic languages (cf. Jordens/Dimroth 2005, Jordens 2004, Becker 2005). This paper focuses onthe role of the auxiliary hebben (>to have<) in the acquisition of Dutch as a second language. More specifically, it investigates whether learners' production of hebben is related to their acquisition of two phenomena commonly associated with finiteness, i.e., topicalization and negation. Data are presented from 16 Turkish and 36 Moroccan learners of Dutch who participated in an experiment involving production and imitation tasks. The production data suggest that learners use topicalization and post-verbal negation only after they have learned to produce the auxiliary hebben. The results from the imitation task indicate, that learners are more sensitive to topicalization and post-verbal negation in sentences with hebben than in sentences with lexical verbs. Interestingly this holds also for learners that did not show productive command of hebben in the production tasks. Thus, in general, the results of the experiment provide support for the idea that non-modal auxiliaries are crucial in the acquisition of (certain properties of) finiteness.