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Nucleosome-like complex of the histone from the hyperthermophile Methanopyrus kandleri (MkaH) with linear DNA


Pavlov,  N. A.
Department of Molecular Biology, MPI for biophysical chemistry, Max Planck Society;


Cherny,  D. I.
Department of Molecular Biology, MPI for biophysical chemistry, Max Planck Society;


Jovin,  T. M.
Department of Molecular Biology, MPI for biophysical chemistry, Max Planck Society;

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Pavlov, N. A., Cherny, D. I., Jovin, T. M., & Slesarev, A. I. (2002). Nucleosome-like complex of the histone from the hyperthermophile Methanopyrus kandleri (MkaH) with linear DNA. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 20(2), 207-214. Retrieved from

The MkaH protein from the archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri, an unusual assembly of two histone-fold domains in a single polypeptide chain, demonstrates high structural similarity to eukaryal histories. We studied the DNA binding and self- association properties of MkaH by means of the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), electron microscopy (EM), chemical cross-linking, and analytical gel filtration. EMSA showed an increased mobility of linear DNA complexed with MkaH protein with a maximum at a protein-DNA weight ratio (R-w) of approximate to 3; the mobility decreased at higher protein concentration. EM of the complexes formed at R-w less than or equal to 3 revealed formation of isometric loops encompassing 71 +/- 7 bp of DNA duplex. At high values of R-w (greater than or equal to9) thickened compact nucleoprotein structures were observed; no individual loops were seen within the complexes. Gel filtration chromatography and chemical fixation indicated that in the absence of DNA the dominant form of the MkaH in solution, unlike other archaeal histones, is a stable dimer (pseudo-tetramer of the histone-fold domain) apparently resembling the eukaryal (H3-H4)(2) tetramer. Similarly; dimers are the dominant form of the protein interacting with DNA. The properties of MkaH supporting the assignment of its intermediate position between other archaeal and eukaryal histones are discussed.