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Characterization of cerebral microangiopathy using 3 Tesla MRI: Correlation with neurological impairment and vascular risk factors


Hund-Georgiadis,  Margret
MPI of Cognitive Neuroscience (Leipzig, -2003), The Prior Institutes, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Max Planck Society;


Scheid,  Rainer
MPI of Cognitive Neuroscience (Leipzig, -2003), The Prior Institutes, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Max Planck Society;


Norris,  David G.
MPI of Cognitive Neuroscience (Leipzig, -2003), The Prior Institutes, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Max Planck Society;


von Cramon,  D. Yves
MPI of Cognitive Neuroscience (Leipzig, -2003), The Prior Institutes, MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Max Planck Society;

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Hund-Georgiadis, M., Ballaschke, O., Scheid, R., Norris, D. G., & von Cramon, D. Y. (2002). Characterization of cerebral microangiopathy using 3 Tesla MRI: Correlation with neurological impairment and vascular risk factors. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 15(1), 1-7. doi:10.1002/jmri.10039.

To investigate whether clinical and neuropsychological impairment in cerebral small-vessel disease (CSVD) can be evaluated by means of morphological magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Materials and Methods MRI at 3 Tesla in T2- and T1-weighted sequences was evaluated in 44 patients with cerebral microangiopathy, and 30 patients with combined cerebral micro- and macroangiopathy. The MR characteristics were correlated to clinical data, attentional impairment, and the patients' individual vascular risk factor profiles. Fifteen healthy age-matched control subjects participated in the study to assess MR signal changes in nonhypertensive elderly subjects. Results Patients and normal controls differed significantly in the extent of MR signal changes. A close relation between age, obesity, hypertension, and MR signal abnormalities was evident in all patients. Patients with pure CSVD additionally showed an association between their MR-defined severity of disease and their degree of neurological impairment, and their vascular risk score. In contrast, attentional impairment did not relate to the MR-defined severity of CSVD. Conclusion MR signal changes in CSVD show a close relationship to some risk factors of individual patients. J. Magn. Reson.