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High-resolution microscope for tip-enhanced optical processes in ultrahigh vacuum


Steidtner,  Jens Christian
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Pettinger,  Bruno
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;

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Steidtner, J. C., & Pettinger, B. (2007). High-resolution microscope for tip-enhanced optical processes in ultrahigh vacuum. Review of Scientific Instruments, 78(10): 103104. doi:10.1063/1.2794227.

An optical microscope based on tip-enhanced optical processes that can be used for studies on adsorbates as well as thin layers and nanostructures is presented. The microscope provides chemical and topographic informations with a resolution of a few nanometers and can be employed in ultrahigh vacuum as well as gas phase. The construction involves a number of improvements compared to conventional instruments. The central idea is to mount, within an UHV system, an optical platform with all necessary optical elements to a rigid frame that also carries the scanning tunneling microscope unit and to integrate a high numerical aperture parabolic mirror between the scanning probe microscope head and the sample. The parabolic mirror serves to focus the incident light and to collect a large fraction of the scattered light. The first experimental results of Raman measurements on silicon samples as well as brilliant cresyl blue layers on single crystalline gold and platinum surfaces in ultrahigh vacuum are presented. For dye adsorbates a Raman enhancement of ~10^6 and a net signal gain of up to 4000 was observed. The focus diameter (~λ/2) was measured by Raman imaging the focal region on a Si surface. The requirements of the parabolic mirror in terms of alignment accuracy were experimentally determined as well.