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Laser temperature jump experiments with nanometer space resolution using rhodamine 101 anti-Stokes fluorescence from nanoseconds to milliseconds for precise measurements of temperature changes in liquid micro-environments - COLL 157


Holzwarth,  Josef F.
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Couderc,  Sabine
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;

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Holzwarth, J. F., Couderc, S., Beeby, A., Clark, I. P., & Parker, A. W. (2003). Laser temperature jump experiments with nanometer space resolution using rhodamine 101 anti-Stokes fluorescence from nanoseconds to milliseconds for precise measurements of temperature changes in liquid micro-environments - COLL 157. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 225, 157-COLL.

Measurement of temperature changes in nanoliter volumes is a serious problem, especially if both high precision and nanosecond time resolution are required. Exploitation of the anti-Stokes fluorescence of the laserexcited rhodamine 101 dye offers a solution to the problem. We used a pulsed dye laser (bandwidth 20 ns) for time resolved measurements. The T-jump laser and the pulsed detection laser were aligned inside a 1 µm spot of a liquid sample. A DeltaT = 4 K caused 10% increase in fluorescence intensity. The detection was performed with a variable delay between 10 ns and 100 ms after the heating. We could observe special effects caused by shock-waves produced by the fast thermal expansion of the liquid sample. This new technique of time resolved anti-Stokes fluorescence measurements provides a convenient and precise tool to measure small temperature changes in nano-volumes of liquid samples under many different experimental conditions.