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Conference Paper

Modeling the Shape of Coherent THz Pulses Emitted by Short Bunches in an Electron Storage Ring


Schmelling,  Michael
Division Prof. Dr. Werner Hofmann, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Müller, A.-S., Casalbuoni, S., Fitterer, M., Huttel, E., Mathis, Y.-L., & Schmelling, M. (2008). Modeling the Shape of Coherent THz Pulses Emitted by Short Bunches in an Electron Storage Ring. In EPAC 2008 Contributions to the Proceedings (pp. 2094-2096). Genf: European Physical Society Accelerator Group.

Cite as: https://hdl.handle.net/11858/00-001M-0000-0011-7923-7
A sufficiently short electron bunch will emit coherent synchrotron radiation of wavelengths equal to or larger than the bunch length. The shape of the emitted THz pulse depends amongst other things on the original shape and length of the bunch’s charge distribution. A Michelson interferogram of the THz signal therefore contains information on the generating bunch. However, systematic effects make a bunch length measurement based on that technique non-trivial. In order to understand the variables involved, an analytical model of the pulse generation is needed. In this paper, a derivation of the THz pulse shape form first principles with special emphasis in the time domain is presented. The impact of charge distribution parameters on the Michelson interferogram is discussed.