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QED Corrections to the Dynamic Polarizability


Haas,  Martin
Division Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Keitel, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;


Jentschura,  Ulrich David
Division Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Keitel, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;


Keitel,  Christoph Helmut
Division Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Keitel, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Haas, M., Jentschura, U. D., & Keitel, C. H. (2005). QED Corrections to the Dynamic Polarizability. AIP Conference Proceedings, 796: 317.

In a relatively weak laser field, atoms interacting with one-photon off-resonant laser fields are dynamically polarized. This perturbation manifests itself in a shift of the atomic energy levels called the "dynamic Stark effect" or "AC-Stark effect", which is intensity dependent. The AC-Stark coefficients are therefore of particular importance for high-precision spectroscopy experiments which rely on two-photon processes like the 1S-2S transition in hydrogen, hydrogenlike ions, antihydrogen or similar composite matter-antimatter systems. In addition, the imaginary part of the dynamic polarizability determines the resonant one-photon ionization width for the excited level.Up to now, the dynamic polarizability has been investigated only up to the level of relativistic corrections. In this contribution, we present results for several experimentally relevant transitions in hydrogenlike systems and the leading-order QED radiative corrections.