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HEGRA discovery of the first unidentified TeV source


Horns,  Dieter
Division Prof. Dr. Werner Hofmann, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;


Rowell,  Gavin
Division Prof. Dr. Werner Hofmann, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society;

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Horns, D., & Rowell, G. (2004). HEGRA discovery of the first unidentified TeV source. New Astronomy Reviews, 48(5-6), 489-492.

The first unidentified TeV source in the Cygnus region is confirmed by follow-up observations carried out in 2002 with the HEGRA stereoscopic system of air Cherenkov telescopes. Using the combined ~279 h of data, this new source TeV J2032+4130, appears to be steady in flux over the four years of data taking, it shows an extension with radius 6.2', and has a hard spectrum with photon index -1.9 between 1 and 10 TeV. Its location places it at the edge of the core of the extremely dense stellar OB association, Cygnus OB2. Its integral flux above energies E>1 TeV amounts to ~3% of the Crab nebula flux. No counterpart at radio, optical, nor X-ray energies is as-yet seen, leaving TeV J2032+4130 presently unidentified. Summarized here are observational parameters of this source and brief astrophysical interpretation.