The purpose of this fMRI study was to investigate the neural substrates related to the
working memory of orthography. The question may be asked as to whether handlin
orthographic information should be considered as to a verbal or a visuospatial stimulus,
because this information can be employed as a shape or as a location for visuospatial
stimuli, even though it falls within the category of verbal information. Ten Korean native
speakers were imaged using a 1.5T MR scanner while performing a one-back workin
memory task in orthography (OTH), phonology (PHO) and figures (FIG). The brain areas
commonly activated in OTH and PHO were found to be in the bilateral, frontal and
parietal cortices, which is consistent with previous working memory studies. Among these
areas, the regions where the MR signal was found to be higher in OTH than in PHO
were located in the inferior frontal gyrus and superior parietal lobule. When the figure was
subtracted from orthography, inferior frontal gyrus was activated as well. Therefore,
dealing with orthographic information seemed to activate a similar network of brain areas
as for spatial information. However, considering that the additional activation in the inferior
frontal gyrus was observed only in OTH, we can also conclude that dealing with
orthography differed somewhat from the process of handling figures. This observation
confirms the unique property of dealing with orthography, distinct from the process of
handling figures.