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Polarized light scattering and off-state transmission of electron-beam cured polymer dispersed liquid crystals


Leclercq,  L.
MPI for Polymer Research, Max Planck Society;


Ewen,  Bernd
MPI for Polymer Research, Max Planck Society;


Pakula,  Tadeusz
MPI for Polymer Research, Max Planck Society;


Benmouna,  M.
MPI for Polymer Research, Max Planck Society;


Maschke,  U.
MPI for Polymer Research, Max Planck Society;

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Mechernene, L., Leclercq, L., Ewen, B., Pakula, T., Benmouna, M., Coqueret, X., et al. (2002). Polarized light scattering and off-state transmission of electron-beam cured polymer dispersed liquid crystals. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 375, 321-328.

Polarized Light Scattering (LS) experiments are performed on thin Electron-Beam (EB) cured polymer precursor/liquid crystal (LC) films. The polarized component I-vv is obtained for irradiated blends of a low molecular weight aromatic polyester acrylate, additional monomers like tripropyleneglycoldiacrylate, and the nematic LC mixture of cyanoparaphenylene derivatives known under the tradename E7 (Merck). The whole composition range between the pure cured polymer precursor and E7 was covered by exposing the corresponding initial samples to constant EB-curing conditions. Only the light scattering of polymer/LC films with no external fields is considered here and the results are compared with additional measurements of the optical off-state transmission. The results obtained from LS and transmission experiments are in excellent agreement.