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C-elegans RAD-5/CLK-2 defines a new DNA damage checkpoint protein


Alpi,  A.
Former Research Groups, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Max Planck Society;


Gartner,  A.
Former Research Groups, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Max Planck Society;

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Ahmed, S., Alpi, A., Hengartner, M. O., & Gartner, A. (2001). C-elegans RAD-5/CLK-2 defines a new DNA damage checkpoint protein. Current Biology, 11(24), 1934-1944.

Background: In response to genotoxic stress, cells activate checkpoint pathways that lead to a transient cell cycle arrest that allows for DNA repair or to apoptosis, which triggers the demise of genetically damaged cells. Results: During positional cloning of the C. elegans rad-5 DNA damage checkpoint gene, we found, surprisingly, that rad-5(mn159) is allelic with clk- 2(qm37), a mutant previously implicated in regulation of biological rhythms and life span. However, clk-2(qm37) is the only C. elegans clock mutant that is defective for the DNA damage checkpoint. We show that rad-5/clk-2 acts in a pathway that partially overlaps with the conserved C. elegans mrt-2/S. cerevisiae RAD17/S. pombe rad1 (+) checkpoint pathway. In addition, rad-5/clk-2 also regulates the S phase replication checkpoint in C. elegans. Positional cloning reveals that the RAD-5/CLK-2 DNA damage checkpoint protein is homologous to S, cerevisiae Tel2p, an essential DNA binding protein that regulates telomere length in, yeast. However, the partial loss- of-function C. elegans rad-5(mn 159) and clk-2(qm37) checkpoint mutations have little effect on telomere length, and analysis of the partial loss-of-function of S. cerevisiae tel2-1 mutant failed to reveal typical DNA damage checkpoint defects. Conclusions: Using C. elegans genetics we define the novel DNA damage checkpoint protein RAD-5/CLK-2, which may play a role in oncogenesis. Given that Tel2p has been shown to bind to a variety of nucleic, acid structures in vitro, we speculate that the RAD-5/CLK-2 checkpoint protein may act at sites of DNA damage, either as a sensor of DNA damage or to aid in the repair of damaged DNA.