Acta Crystallographica Section E

Structure Reports Online

Volume 68, Part 7 (July 2012)

organic compounds

su2450 scheme

Acta Cryst. (2012). E68, o2120    [ doi:10.1107/S1600536812025950 ]

(E)-4-Amino-N'-(5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzylidene)benzohydrazide monohydrate

H. Kargar, R. Kia and M. N. Tahir

Abstract: In t the title compound, C14H12BrN3O2. H2O, the conformation of the C=N double bond in the hydrazide Schiff base molecule is E. The dihedral angle between the benzene rings is 48.01 (11) °. An intramolecular O-H...N hydrogen bond makes an S(6) ring motif. In the crystal, molecules are linked through N-H...O (bifurcated acceptor) and O-H...O hydrogen bonds, forming two-dimensional networks lying parallel to (100).

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