date: 2013-10-08T12:26:57Z pdf:PDFVersion: 1.6 pdf:docinfo:title: The influence of prior knowledge on memory: a developmental cognitive neuroscience perspective xmp:CreatorTool: LaTeX with hyperref package access_permission:can_print_degraded: true subject: Across ontogenetic development, individuals gather manifold experiences during which they detect regularities in their environment and thereby accumulate knowledge. dc:format: application/pdf; version=1.6 pdf:docinfo:creator_tool: LaTeX with hyperref package access_permission:fill_in_form: true pdf:encrypted: false dc:title: The influence of prior knowledge on memory: a developmental cognitive neuroscience perspective modified: 2013-10-08T12:26:57Z cp:subject: Across ontogenetic development, individuals gather manifold experiences during which they detect regularities in their environment and thereby accumulate knowledge. pdf:docinfo:subject: Across ontogenetic development, individuals gather manifold experiences during which they detect regularities in their environment and thereby accumulate knowledge. pdf:docinfo:creator: Markus Werkle-Bergner and Yee Lee Shing PTEX.Fullbanner: This is MiKTeX-pdfTeX 2.9.4535 (1.40.13) meta:author: Markus Werkle-Bergner and Yee Lee Shing trapped: False meta:creation-date: 2013-10-05T03:43:33Z created: 2013-10-05T03:43:33Z access_permission:extract_for_accessibility: true Creation-Date: 2013-10-05T03:43:33Z Author: Markus Werkle-Bergner and Yee Lee Shing producer: pdfTeX-1.40.13 pdf:docinfo:producer: pdfTeX-1.40.13 pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage: 0 dc:description: Across ontogenetic development, individuals gather manifold experiences during which they detect regularities in their environment and thereby accumulate knowledge. Keywords: lifespan development, child development, hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, semantic memory, prior knowledge, lateral prefrontal cortex, episodic memory access_permission:modify_annotations: true dc:creator: Markus Werkle-Bergner and Yee Lee Shing description: Across ontogenetic development, individuals gather manifold experiences during which they detect regularities in their environment and thereby accumulate knowledge. dcterms:created: 2013-10-05T03:43:33Z Last-Modified: 2013-10-08T12:26:57Z dcterms:modified: 2013-10-08T12:26:57Z title: The influence of prior knowledge on memory: a developmental cognitive neuroscience perspective xmpMM:DocumentID: uuid:413ae3a0-203f-4a07-a5b4-fae285095c4e Last-Save-Date: 2013-10-08T12:26:57Z pdf:docinfo:keywords: lifespan development, child development, hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, semantic memory, prior knowledge, lateral prefrontal cortex, episodic memory pdf:docinfo:modified: 2013-10-08T12:26:57Z meta:save-date: 2013-10-08T12:26:57Z pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner: This is MiKTeX-pdfTeX 2.9.4535 (1.40.13) Content-Type: application/pdf X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser creator: Markus Werkle-Bergner and Yee Lee Shing dc:subject: lifespan development, child development, hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, semantic memory, prior knowledge, lateral prefrontal cortex, episodic memory access_permission:assemble_document: true xmpTPg:NPages: 13 pdf:charsPerPage: 5002 access_permission:extract_content: true access_permission:can_print: true pdf:docinfo:trapped: False meta:keyword: lifespan development, child development, hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, semantic memory, prior knowledge, lateral prefrontal cortex, episodic memory access_permission:can_modify: true pdf:docinfo:created: 2013-10-05T03:43:33Z