cp:revision: 4 date: 2014-09-09T09:50:00Z Company: ????????????????????? Keywords: meta:word-count: 910 subject: dc:creator: ?? ?? extended-properties:Company: ????????????????????? meta:print-date: 2014-02-07T08:37:00Z Word-Count: 910 dcterms:created: 2014-09-09T09:16:00Z dcterms:modified: 2014-09-09T09:50:00Z Last-Modified: 2014-09-09T09:50:00Z title: Formation of a higher-order chromatin structure, typically called heterochromatin, is known to be critical for maintenance of t Last-Save-Date: 2014-09-09T09:50:00Z meta:character-count: 5191 Template: Normal.dotm meta:save-date: 2014-09-09T09:50:00Z dc:title: Formation of a higher-order chromatin structure, typically called heterochromatin, is known to be critical for maintenance of t Application-Name: Microsoft Macintosh Word modified: 2014-09-09T09:50:00Z Edit-Time: 7800000000 cp:subject: Content-Type: application/msword X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser creator: ?? ?? meta:author: ?? ?? dc:subject: extended-properties:Application: Microsoft Macintosh Word meta:creation-date: 2014-09-09T09:16:00Z Last-Printed: 2014-02-07T08:37:00Z meta:last-author: ?? ?? Creation-Date: 2014-09-09T09:16:00Z xmpTPg:NPages: 6 Last-Author: ?? ?? Character Count: 5191 Page-Count: 6 Revision-Number: 4 extended-properties:Template: Normal.dotm meta:keyword: Author: ?? ?? meta:page-count: 6