X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser citation_title: Extreme Thouless effect in a minimal model of dynamic social networks twitter:title: Extreme Thouless effect in a minimal model of dynamic social networks og:site_name: arXiv.org og:title: Extreme Thouless effect in a minimal model of dynamic social networks citation_author: Bassler, K. E. citation_date: 2015/04/27 title: [1504.06927] Extreme Thouless effect in a minimal model of dynamic social networks og:description: In common descriptions of phase transitions, first order transitions are characterized by discontinuous jumps in the order parameter and normal fluctuations, while second order transitions are associated with no jumps and anomalous fluctuations. Outside this paradigm are systems exhibiting `mixed order transitions' displaying a mixture of these characteristics. When the jump is maximal and the fluctuations range over the entire range of allowed values, the behavior has been coined an `extreme Thouless effect'. Here, we report findings of such a phenomenon, in the context of dynamic, social networks. Defined by minimal rules of evolution, it describes a population of extreme introverts and extroverts, who prefer to have contacts with, respectively, no one or everyone. From the dynamics, we derive an exact distribution of microstates in the stationary state. With only two control parameters, $N_{I,E}$ (the number of each subgroup), we study collective variables of interest, e.g., $X$, the total number of $I$-$E $ links and the degree distributions. Using simulations and mean-field theory, we provide evidence that this system displays an extreme Thouless effect. Specifically, the fraction $X/\left( N_{I}N_{E}\right) $ jumps from $0$ to $1$ (in the thermodynamic limit) when $N_{I}$ crosses $N_{E}$, while all values appear with equal probability at $N_{I}=N_{E}$. citation_arxiv_id: 1504.06927 citation_online_date: 2015/04/27 twitter:site: @arxiv dc:title: [1504.06927] Extreme Thouless effect in a minimal model of dynamic social networks citation_doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.042102 twitter:description: In common descriptions of phase transitions, first order transitions are characterized by discontinuous jumps in the order parameter and normal fluctuations, while second order transitions are... Content-Encoding: ISO-8859-1 citation_pdf_url: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.06927 og:url: https://arxiv.org/abs/1504.06927v1 Content-Language: en Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1