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Ultra-narrow linewidth CW sub-THz generation using GS based OFCG and n-i-pn-i-p superlattice photomixers


Preu,  S.
Max Planck Fellow Group, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;
International Max Planck Research School, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;


Malzer,  S.
Guests, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;


Bauerschmidt,  S.
Russell Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;
International Max Planck Research School, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;

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Criado, A. R., de Dios, C., Doehler, G. H., Preu, S., Malzer, S., Bauerschmidt, S., et al. (2012). Ultra-narrow linewidth CW sub-THz generation using GS based OFCG and n-i-pn-i-p superlattice photomixers. ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 48(22), 1425-1426. doi:10.1049/el.2012.3158.

A report is presented on the photonic synthesis of ultra-narrow line-width continuous-wave (CW) sub-THz signals using a gain-switching (GS) based optical frequency comb generator (OFCG), selective optical filtering and a n-i-pn-i-p superlattice photomixer. This setup provides continuous tunability with a tuning resolution in the range of 0.1 Hz at 120 GHz and full width at half maximum of the generated signals below the limits of the measurement setup (< 10 Hz). The advantages of this system make it a very good candidate for applications requiring extremely low phase noise and continuous tunability, such as high resolution spectroscopy in the sub-THz and THz range.