date: 2016-11-23T12:28:19Z
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pdf:docinfo:title: Drifting through Basic Subprocesses of Reading: A Hierarchical Diffusion Model Analysis of Age Effects on Visual Word Recognition
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subject: Reading is one of the most popular leisure activities and it is routinely performed by most individuals even in old age.
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dc:title: Drifting through Basic Subprocesses of Reading: A Hierarchical Diffusion Model Analysis of Age Effects on Visual Word Recognition
modified: 2016-11-23T12:28:19Z
cp:subject: Reading is one of the most popular leisure activities and it is routinely performed by most individuals even in old age.
pdf:docinfo:subject: Reading is one of the most popular leisure activities and it is routinely performed by most individuals even in old age.
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dc:description: Reading is one of the most popular leisure activities and it is routinely performed by most individuals even in old age.
Keywords: hierarchical diffusion modeling, aging, letter identification, lexical decision, phonological decision, semantic decision, visual word recognition, reading
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dc:creator: Eva Froehlich
description: Reading is one of the most popular leisure activities and it is routinely performed by most individuals even in old age.
dcterms:created: 2016-11-23T11:33:32Z
Last-Modified: 2016-11-23T12:28:19Z
dcterms:modified: 2016-11-23T12:28:19Z
title: Drifting through Basic Subprocesses of Reading: A Hierarchical Diffusion Model Analysis of Age Effects on Visual Word Recognition
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Last-Save-Date: 2016-11-23T12:28:19Z
pdf:docinfo:keywords: hierarchical diffusion modeling, aging, letter identification, lexical decision, phonological decision, semantic decision, visual word recognition, reading
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creator: Eva Froehlich
dc:subject: hierarchical diffusion modeling, aging, letter identification, lexical decision, phonological decision, semantic decision, visual word recognition, reading
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