date: 2017-04-21T11:54:48Z
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pdf:docinfo:title: Bergmann's and Allen's Rules in Native European and Mediterranean Phasmatodea
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subject: Bergmann's rule states that organisms at higher latitudes should be larger and thicker than those closer to the equator to better conserve heat, and Allen's rule states that they will have shorter and thicker limbs at higher latitudes.
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dc:title: Bergmann's and Allen's Rules in Native European and Mediterranean Phasmatodea
modified: 2017-04-21T11:54:48Z
cp:subject: Bergmann's rule states that organisms at higher latitudes should be larger and thicker than those closer to the equator to better conserve heat, and Allen's rule states that they will have shorter and thicker limbs at higher latitudes.
pdf:docinfo:subject: Bergmann's rule states that organisms at higher latitudes should be larger and thicker than those closer to the equator to better conserve heat, and Allen's rule states that they will have shorter and thicker limbs at higher latitudes.
pdf:docinfo:creator: Matan Shelomi
meta:author: Matan Shelomi
meta:creation-date: 2017-04-01T07:37:16Z
created: 2017-04-01T07:37:16Z
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Creation-Date: 2017-04-01T07:37:16Z
Author: Matan Shelomi
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dc:description: Bergmann's rule states that organisms at higher latitudes should be larger and thicker than those closer to the equator to better conserve heat, and Allen's rule states that they will have shorter and thicker limbs at higher latitudes.
Keywords: phasmatodea, Bergmann's rule, Allen's rule, latitudinal cline, insect ecology, morphometrics
access_permission:modify_annotations: true
dc:creator: Matan Shelomi
description: Bergmann's rule states that organisms at higher latitudes should be larger and thicker than those closer to the equator to better conserve heat, and Allen's rule states that they will have shorter and thicker limbs at higher latitudes.
dcterms:created: 2017-04-01T07:37:16Z
Last-Modified: 2017-04-21T11:54:48Z
dcterms:modified: 2017-04-21T11:54:48Z
title: Bergmann's and Allen's Rules in Native European and Mediterranean Phasmatodea
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Last-Save-Date: 2017-04-21T11:54:48Z
pdf:docinfo:keywords: phasmatodea, Bergmann's rule, Allen's rule, latitudinal cline, insect ecology, morphometrics
pdf:docinfo:modified: 2017-04-21T11:54:48Z
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creator: Matan Shelomi
dc:language: en
dc:subject: phasmatodea, Bergmann's rule, Allen's rule, latitudinal cline, insect ecology, morphometrics
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meta:keyword: phasmatodea, Bergmann's rule, Allen's rule, latitudinal cline, insect ecology, morphometrics
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pdf:docinfo:created: 2017-04-01T07:37:16Z