citation_keywords: Synucleins; Atp production; calcium homeostasis; Reactive Oxygen Species; Thiol oxidation; Apaptosis; Bcl-XL; Neuronal network activity og:image: citation_publication_date: 2018/03/07 citation_title: Pathophysiological Consequences of Neuronal ?-Synuclein Overexpression: Impacts on Ion Homeostasis, Stress Signaling, Mitochondrial Integrity, and Electrical Activity citation_author_institution: Department of Physiology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University, Sweden Description: ?-Synuclein (?-Syn) is intimately linked to the aetiology of Parkinsonīs Disease, as mutations and even subtle increases in gene dosage result in early onset of the disease.However, how this protein causes neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration is incompletely understood. We thus examined a comprehensive range of physiological parameters in cultured rat primary neurons overexpressing ?-Syn at levels causing a slowly progressive neurodegeneration. In contradiction to earlier reports from non-neuronal assay systems we demonstrate that ?-Syn does not interfere with essential ion handling capacities, mitochondrial capability of ATP production or basic electro-physiological properties like resting membrane potential or the general ability to generate action potentials. ?-Syn also does not activate canonical stress kinase signalling converging on SAPK/Jun, p38 MAPK or Erk kinases. Causative for ?-Syn-induced neurodegeneration are mitochondrial thiol oxidation and activation of caspases downstream of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, leading to apoptosis-like cell death execution with some unusual aspects. We also aimed to elucidate neuroprotective strategies counteracting the pathophysiological processes caused by ?-Syn. Neurotrophic factors, calpain inhibition and increased lysosomal protease capacity showed no protective effects against ?-Syn overexpression. In contrast, the major watchdog of outer mitochondrial membrane integrity, Bcl-Xl, was capable of almos... Keywords: Synucleins, Atp production, calcium homeostasis, Reactive Oxygen Species, Thiol oxidation, Apaptosis, Bcl-XL, Neuronal network activity citation_publisher: Frontiers citation_journal_title: Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience description: ?-Synuclein (?-Syn) is intimately linked to the aetiology of Parkinsonīs Disease, as mutations and even subtle increases in gene dosage result in early onset of the disease. However, how this protein causes neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration is incompletely understood. We thus examined a comprehensive range of physiological parameters in cultured rat primary neurons overexpressing ?-Syn at levels causing a slowly progressive neurodegeneration. In contradiction to earlier reports from non-neuronal assay systems we demonstrate that ?-Syn does not interfere with essential ion handling capacities, mitochondrial capability of ATP production or basic electro-physiological properties like resting membrane potential or the general ability to generate action potentials. ?-Syn also does not activate canonical stress kinase signalling converging on SAPK/Jun, p38 MAPK or Erk kinases. Causative for ?-Syn-induced neurodegeneration are mitochondrial thiol oxidation and activation of caspases downstream of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, leading to apoptosis-like cell death execution with some unusual aspects. We also aimed to elucidate neuroprotective strategies counteracting the pathophysiological processes caused by ?-Syn. Neurotrophic factors, calpain inhibition and increased lysosomal protease capacity showed no protective effects against ?-Syn overexpression. In contrast, the major watchdog of outer mitochondrial membrane integrity, Bcl-Xl, was capable of almost completely preventing neuron death, but did not prevent mitochondrial thiol oxidation. Importantly, independent from the quite mono-causal induction of neurotoxicity, ?-Syn causes diminished excitability of neurons by external stimuli and robust impairments in endogenous neuronal network activity by decreasing the frequency of action potentials generated without external stimulation. This latter finding suggests that ?-Syn can induce neuronal dysfunction independent from its induction of neurotoxicity and might serve as an explanation for functional deficits that precede neuronal cell loss in synucleopathies like Parkinsonīs disease or dementia with Lewy bodies. citation_date: 2018 title: Frontiers | Pathophysiological Consequences of Neuronal ?-Synuclein Overexpression: Impacts on Ion Homeostasis, Stress Signaling, Mitochondrial Integrity, and Electrical Activity | Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience citation_online_date: 2018/02/06 citation_author_email: citation_issn: 1662-5099 dc:title: Frontiers | Pathophysiological Consequences of Neuronal ?-Synuclein Overexpression: Impacts on Ion Homeostasis, Stress Signaling, Mitochondrial Integrity, and Electrical Activity | Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience citation_language: English Content-Encoding: UTF-8 citation_pdf_url: Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser og:type: article citation_journal_abbrev: Front. Mol. Neurosci. citation_abstract: ?-Synuclein (?-Syn) is intimately linked to the aetiology of Parkinsonīs Disease, as mutations and even subtle increases in gene dosage result in early onset of the disease. However, how this protein causes neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration is incompletely understood. We thus examined a comprehensive range of physiological parameters in cultured rat primary neurons overexpressing ?-Syn at levels causing a slowly progressive neurodegeneration. In contradiction to earlier reports from non-neuronal assay systems we demonstrate that ?-Syn does not interfere with essential ion handling capacities, mitochondrial capability of ATP production or basic electro-physiological properties like resting membrane potential or the general ability to generate action potentials. ?-Syn also does not activate canonical stress kinase signalling converging on SAPK/Jun, p38 MAPK or Erk kinases. Causative for ?-Syn-induced neurodegeneration are mitochondrial thiol oxidation and activation of caspases downstream of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization, leading to apoptosis-like cell death execution with some unusual aspects. We also aimed to elucidate neuroprotective strategies counteracting the pathophysiological processes caused by ?-Syn. Neurotrophic factors, calpain inhibition and increased lysosomal protease capacity showed no protective effects against ?-Syn overexpression. In contrast, the major watchdog of outer mitochondrial membrane integrity, Bcl-Xl, was capable of almost completely preventing neuron death, but did not prevent mitochondrial thiol oxidation. Importantly, independent from the quite mono-causal induction of neurotoxicity, ?-Syn causes diminished excitability of neurons by external stimuli and robust impairments in endogenous neuronal network activity by decreasing the frequency of action potentials generated without external stimulation. This latter finding suggests that ?-Syn can induce neuronal dysfunction independent from its induction of neurotoxicity and might serve as an explanation for functional deficits that precede neuronal cell loss in synucleopathies like Parkinsonīs disease or dementia with Lewy bodies. citation_author: Tolö, Johan Title: Pathophysiological Consequences of Neuronal ?-Synuclein Overexpression: Impacts on Ion Homeostasis, Stress Signaling, Mitochondrial Integrity, and Electrical Activity citation_pages: 49 url: site_name: Frontiers X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge frontiers:type: Article viewport: width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1 citation_doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00049 dc.identifier: doi:10.3389/fnmol.2018.00049 citation_volume: 11 Content-Language: en