date: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z pdf:PDFVersion: 1.5 pdf:docinfo:title: Verdazyls as Possible Building Blocks for Multifunctional Molecular Materials: A Case Study on 1,5-Diphenyl-3-(p-iodophenyl)-verdazyl Focusing on Magnetism, Electron Transfer and the Applicability of the Sonogashira-Hagihara Reaction xmp:CreatorTool: LaTeX with hyperref package access_permission:can_print_degraded: true subject: This work explores the use of Kuhn verdazyl radicals as building blocks in multifunctional molecular materials in an exemplary study, focusing on the magnetic and the electron transfer (ET) characteristics, but also addressing the question whether chemical modification by cross-coupling is possible. The ET in solution is studied spectroscopically, whereas solid state measurements afford information about the magnetic susceptibility or the conductivity of the given samples. The observed results are rationalized based on the chemical structures of the molecules, which have been obtained by X-ray crystallography. The crystallographically observed molecular structures as well as the interpretation based on the spectroscopic and physical measurements are backed up by DFT calculations. The measurements indicate that only weak, antiferromagnetic (AF) coupling is observed in Kuhn verdazyls owed to the low tendency to form face-to-face stacks, but also that steric reasons alone are not sufficient to explain this behavior. Furthermore, it is also demonstrated that ET reactions proceed rapidly in verdazyl/verdazylium redox couples and that Kuhn verdazyls are suited as donor molecules in ET reactions. dc:format: application/pdf; version=1.5 pdf:docinfo:creator_tool: LaTeX with hyperref package access_permission:fill_in_form: true pdf:encrypted: false dc:title: Verdazyls as Possible Building Blocks for Multifunctional Molecular Materials: A Case Study on 1,5-Diphenyl-3-(p-iodophenyl)-verdazyl Focusing on Magnetism, Electron Transfer and the Applicability of the Sonogashira-Hagihara Reaction modified: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z cp:subject: This work explores the use of Kuhn verdazyl radicals as building blocks in multifunctional molecular materials in an exemplary study, focusing on the magnetic and the electron transfer (ET) characteristics, but also addressing the question whether chemical modification by cross-coupling is possible. The ET in solution is studied spectroscopically, whereas solid state measurements afford information about the magnetic susceptibility or the conductivity of the given samples. The observed results are rationalized based on the chemical structures of the molecules, which have been obtained by X-ray crystallography. The crystallographically observed molecular structures as well as the interpretation based on the spectroscopic and physical measurements are backed up by DFT calculations. The measurements indicate that only weak, antiferromagnetic (AF) coupling is observed in Kuhn verdazyls owed to the low tendency to form face-to-face stacks, but also that steric reasons alone are not sufficient to explain this behavior. Furthermore, it is also demonstrated that ET reactions proceed rapidly in verdazyl/verdazylium redox couples and that Kuhn verdazyls are suited as donor molecules in ET reactions. pdf:docinfo:subject: This work explores the use of Kuhn verdazyl radicals as building blocks in multifunctional molecular materials in an exemplary study, focusing on the magnetic and the electron transfer (ET) characteristics, but also addressing the question whether chemical modification by cross-coupling is possible. The ET in solution is studied spectroscopically, whereas solid state measurements afford information about the magnetic susceptibility or the conductivity of the given samples. The observed results are rationalized based on the chemical structures of the molecules, which have been obtained by X-ray crystallography. The crystallographically observed molecular structures as well as the interpretation based on the spectroscopic and physical measurements are backed up by DFT calculations. The measurements indicate that only weak, antiferromagnetic (AF) coupling is observed in Kuhn verdazyls owed to the low tendency to form face-to-face stacks, but also that steric reasons alone are not sufficient to explain this behavior. Furthermore, it is also demonstrated that ET reactions proceed rapidly in verdazyl/verdazylium redox couples and that Kuhn verdazyls are suited as donor molecules in ET reactions. pdf:docinfo:creator: Hannah Jobelius, Norbert Wagner, Gregor Schnakenburg and Andreas Meyer PTEX.Fullbanner: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 meta:author: Hannah Jobelius, Norbert Wagner, Gregor Schnakenburg and Andreas Meyer trapped: False meta:creation-date: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z created: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z access_permission:extract_for_accessibility: true Creation-Date: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z Author: Hannah Jobelius, Norbert Wagner, Gregor Schnakenburg and Andreas Meyer producer: pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:producer: pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage: 17 Keywords: radicals; exchange coupling; cross-coupling; broken symmetry DFT; EPR spectroscopy; X-ray crystallography; redox chemistry access_permission:modify_annotations: true dc:creator: Hannah Jobelius, Norbert Wagner, Gregor Schnakenburg and Andreas Meyer dcterms:created: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z Last-Modified: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z dcterms:modified: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z title: Verdazyls as Possible Building Blocks for Multifunctional Molecular Materials: A Case Study on 1,5-Diphenyl-3-(p-iodophenyl)-verdazyl Focusing on Magnetism, Electron Transfer and the Applicability of the Sonogashira-Hagihara Reaction Last-Save-Date: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z pdf:docinfo:keywords: radicals; exchange coupling; cross-coupling; broken symmetry DFT; EPR spectroscopy; X-ray crystallography; redox chemistry pdf:docinfo:modified: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z meta:save-date: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 Content-Type: application/pdf X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser creator: Hannah Jobelius, Norbert Wagner, Gregor Schnakenburg and Andreas Meyer dc:subject: radicals; exchange coupling; cross-coupling; broken symmetry DFT; EPR spectroscopy; X-ray crystallography; redox chemistry access_permission:assemble_document: true xmpTPg:NPages: 24 pdf:charsPerPage: 2850 access_permission:extract_content: true access_permission:can_print: true pdf:docinfo:trapped: False meta:keyword: radicals; exchange coupling; cross-coupling; broken symmetry DFT; EPR spectroscopy; X-ray crystallography; redox chemistry access_permission:can_modify: true pdf:docinfo:created: 2018-07-18T08:26:31Z