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Nonlinear Response and Strong Coupling of Surface Phonon Polaritons


Paßler,  Nikolai
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Razdolski,  Ilya
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Gewinner,  Sandy
Molecular Physics, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Schöllkopf,  Wieland
Molecular Physics, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Wolf,  Martin
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Paarmann,  Alexander
Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;

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Paßler, N., Razdolski, I., Gewinner, S., Schöllkopf, W., De Liberato, S., Gubbin, C., et al. (2018). Nonlinear Response and Strong Coupling of Surface Phonon Polaritons. In B. Di Bartolo, L. Silvestri, M. Cesaria, & J. Collins (Eds.), Quantum Nano-Photonics (pp. 425-426). Dordrecht: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-94-024-1544-5_44.

Analogous to surface plasmon polaritons in metals, polar dielectrics support surface phonon polaritons (SPhP) in the mid infrared (MIR) spectral region. In contrast to their plasmonic counterpart, however, SPhPs exhibit much longer lifetimes, and hence constitute a promising alternative in the development of nanophotonics. Employing an MIR free-electron laser, we here experimentally reveal resonant second harmonic generation from SPhPs, excited in the Otto geometry for prism coupling. In a second system featuring an ultrathin layer on top of the SPhP active material, we observe strong coupling of the bulk SPhP to the epsilon near zero mode supported by the thin layer. Our experimental findings are corroborated using a specifically developed matrix formalism for anisotropic multilayer wave propagation.