date: 2018-12-24T08:02:48Z pdf:PDFVersion: 1.6 pdf:docinfo:title: Mimicking Schizophrenia: Reducing P300b by Minimally Fragmenting Healthy Participants' Selves Using Immersive Virtual Reality Embodiment xmp:CreatorTool: LaTeX with hyperref package access_permission:can_print_degraded: true subject: The most robust and clear biological index differentiating persons with schizophrenia from healthy controls is the drastic reduction of the amplitude of their P300b event-related brain potential (ERP). dc:format: application/pdf; version=1.6 pdf:docinfo:creator_tool: LaTeX with hyperref package access_permission:fill_in_form: true pdf:encrypted: false dc:title: Mimicking Schizophrenia: Reducing P300b by Minimally Fragmenting Healthy Participants' Selves Using Immersive Virtual Reality Embodiment modified: 2018-12-24T08:02:48Z cp:subject: The most robust and clear biological index differentiating persons with schizophrenia from healthy controls is the drastic reduction of the amplitude of their P300b event-related brain potential (ERP). pdf:docinfo:subject: The most robust and clear biological index differentiating persons with schizophrenia from healthy controls is the drastic reduction of the amplitude of their P300b event-related brain potential (ERP). pdf:docinfo:creator: J. Bruno Debruille PTEX.Fullbanner: This is MiKTeX-pdfTeX 2.9.4487 (1.40.12) meta:author: J. Bruno Debruille trapped: False meta:creation-date: 2018-12-24T07:34:28Z created: 2018-12-24T07:34:28Z access_permission:extract_for_accessibility: true Creation-Date: 2018-12-24T07:34:28Z Author: J. Bruno Debruille producer: pdfTeX-1.40.12 pdf:docinfo:producer: pdfTeX-1.40.12 pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage: 0 dc:description: The most robust and clear biological index differentiating persons with schizophrenia from healthy controls is the drastic reduction of the amplitude of their P300b event-related brain potential (ERP). Keywords: schizophrenia, self, P300b, P3b, LPC, LPP, functional significance, embodiment in immersive virtual reality access_permission:modify_annotations: true dc:creator: J. Bruno Debruille description: The most robust and clear biological index differentiating persons with schizophrenia from healthy controls is the drastic reduction of the amplitude of their P300b event-related brain potential (ERP). dcterms:created: 2018-12-24T07:34:28Z Last-Modified: 2018-12-24T08:02:48Z dcterms:modified: 2018-12-24T08:02:48Z title: Mimicking Schizophrenia: Reducing P300b by Minimally Fragmenting Healthy Participants' Selves Using Immersive Virtual Reality Embodiment xmpMM:DocumentID: uuid:66ef2f45-9f67-4b38-9954-1a2d5c37dcab Last-Save-Date: 2018-12-24T08:02:48Z pdf:docinfo:keywords: schizophrenia, self, P300b, P3b, LPC, LPP, functional significance, embodiment in immersive virtual reality pdf:docinfo:modified: 2018-12-24T08:02:48Z meta:save-date: 2018-12-24T08:02:48Z pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner: This is MiKTeX-pdfTeX 2.9.4487 (1.40.12) Content-Type: application/pdf X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser creator: J. Bruno Debruille dc:subject: schizophrenia, self, P300b, P3b, LPC, LPP, functional significance, embodiment in immersive virtual reality access_permission:assemble_document: true xmpTPg:NPages: 11 pdf:charsPerPage: 3137 access_permission:extract_content: true access_permission:can_print: true pdf:docinfo:trapped: False meta:keyword: schizophrenia, self, P300b, P3b, LPC, LPP, functional significance, embodiment in immersive virtual reality access_permission:can_modify: true pdf:docinfo:created: 2018-12-24T07:34:28Z