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Analysis of Changes in Plant Cell Wall CompositionCell wallcompositions and Structure During Cold Acclimation


Takahashi,  D.
Transcript Profiling, Infrastructure Groups and Service Units, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;


Zuther,  E.
Transcript Profiling, Infrastructure Groups and Service Units, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;


Hincha,  D. K.
Transcript Profiling, Infrastructure Groups and Service Units, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;

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Takahashi, D., Zuther, E., & Hincha, D. K. (2020). Analysis of Changes in Plant Cell Wall CompositionCell wallcompositions and Structure During Cold Acclimation. In D. K. Hincha, & E. Zuther (Eds.), Plant Cold Acclimation: Methods and Protocols (pp. 255-268). New York, NY: Springer US.

The cell wall has a crucial influence on the mechanical properties of plant cells. It therefore has a strong impact on the freezing behavior and very likely also the freezing tolerance of plants. However, not many studies have addressed the question how cell wall composition and structure impact plant freezing tolerance and cold acclimation. In this chapter, we describe a comprehensive workflow to extract total cell wall material from leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana and to separate this material into fractions enriched in crystalline cellulose, pectins, and hemicelluloses by sequential fractionation. We further describe methods for the analysis of chemical structure, monosaccharide composition, and cellulose and uronic acid contents in the total cell wall material and the fractions in response to cold acclimation. Structural properties of cell wall material are analyzed by attenuated total reflectance-Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry (ATR-FTIR)Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and monosaccharide composition by gas chromatography--mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after isolation of alditol acetate derivatives of the sugars.