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Coordinating Sulfur Pools under Sulfate Deprivation


Aarabi,  F.
Central Metabolism, Department Willmitzer, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;


Naake,  T.
Central Metabolism, Department Willmitzer, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;


Fernie,  A. R.
Central Metabolism, Department Willmitzer, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;


Hoefgen,  R.
Amino Acid and Sulfur Metabolism, Department Willmitzer, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;

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Aarabi, F., Naake, T., Fernie, A. R., & Hoefgen, R. (2020). Coordinating Sulfur Pools under Sulfate Deprivation. Trends in Plant Science, 25(12), 1227-1239. doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2020.07.007.

Plants display manifold metabolic changes on sulfate deficiency (S deficiency) with all sulfur-containing pools of primary and secondary metabolism affected. O-Acetylserine (OAS), whose levels are rapidly altered on S deficiency, is correlated tightly with novel regulators of plant sulfur metabolism that have key roles in balancing plant sulfur pools, including the Sulfur Deficiency Induced genes (SDI1 and SDI2), More Sulfur Accumulation1 (MSA1), and GGCT2;1. Despite the importance of OAS in the coordination of S pools under stress, mechanisms of OAS perception and signaling have remained elusive. Here, we put particular focus on the general OAS-responsive genes but also elaborate on the specific roles of SDI1 and SDI2 genes, which downregulate the glucosinolate (GSL) pool size. We also highlight the key open questions in sulfur partitioning.