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Nanoscopic charge fluctuations in a gallium phosphide waveguide measured by single molecules


Shkarin,  Alexey
Sandoghdar Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;


Rattenbacher,  Dominik
Sandoghdar Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;


Renger,  Jan
Sandoghdar Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;


Utikal,  Tobias
Sandoghdar Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;


Götzinger,  Stephan
Sandoghdar Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department Physik;


Sandoghdar,  Vahid
Sandoghdar Division, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;
Sandoghdar Division, Max-Planck-Zentrum für Physik und Medizin, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Max Planck Society;

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Shkarin, A., Rattenbacher, D., Renger, J., Hönl, S., Utikal, T., Seidler, P., et al. (2021). Nanoscopic charge fluctuations in a gallium phosphide waveguide measured by single molecules. Physical Review Letters, 126: 133602. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.133602.

We present efficient coupling of single organic molecules to a gallium phosphide subwavelengthwaveguide (nanoguide). By examining and correlating the temporal dynamics of various single-molecule resonances at different locations along the nanoguide, we reveal light-induced fluctuationsof their Stark shifts. Our observations are consistent with the predictions of a simple model basedon the optical activation of a small number of charges in the GaP nanostructure.