date: 2021-04-08T08:53:08Z pdf:PDFVersion: 1.7 pdf:docinfo:title: Tuning Single-Molecule Conductance by Controlled Electric Field-Induced trans-to-cis Isomerisation xmp:CreatorTool: LaTeX with hyperref access_permission:can_print_degraded: true subject: External electric fields (EEFs) have proven to be very efficient in catalysing chemical reactions, even those inaccessible via wet-chemical synthesis. At the single-molecule level, oriented EEFs have been successfully used to promote in situ single-molecule reactions in the absence of chemical catalysts. Here, we elucidate the effect of an EEFs on the structure and conductance of a molecular junction. Employing scanning tunnelling microscopy break junction (STM-BJ) experiments, we form and electrically characterize single-molecule junctions of two tetramethyl carotene isomers. Two discrete conductance signatures show up more prominently at low and high applied voltages which are univocally ascribed to the trans and cis isomers of the carotenoid, respectively. The difference in conductance between both cis-/trans- isomers is in concordance with previous predictions considering -quantum interference due to the presence of a single gauche defect in the trans isomer. Electronic structure calculations suggest that the electric field polarizes the molecule and mixes the excited states. The mixed states have a (spectroscopically) allowed transition and, therefore, can both promote the cis-isomerization of the molecule and participate in electron transport. Our work opens new routes for the in situ control of isomerisation reactions in single-molecule contacts. dc:format: application/pdf; version=1.7 pdf:docinfo:creator_tool: LaTeX with hyperref access_permission:fill_in_form: true pdf:encrypted: false dc:title: Tuning Single-Molecule Conductance by Controlled Electric Field-Induced trans-to-cis Isomerisation modified: 2021-04-08T08:53:08Z cp:subject: External electric fields (EEFs) have proven to be very efficient in catalysing chemical reactions, even those inaccessible via wet-chemical synthesis. At the single-molecule level, oriented EEFs have been successfully used to promote in situ single-molecule reactions in the absence of chemical catalysts. Here, we elucidate the effect of an EEFs on the structure and conductance of a molecular junction. Employing scanning tunnelling microscopy break junction (STM-BJ) experiments, we form and electrically characterize single-molecule junctions of two tetramethyl carotene isomers. Two discrete conductance signatures show up more prominently at low and high applied voltages which are univocally ascribed to the trans and cis isomers of the carotenoid, respectively. The difference in conductance between both cis-/trans- isomers is in concordance with previous predictions considering -quantum interference due to the presence of a single gauche defect in the trans isomer. Electronic structure calculations suggest that the electric field polarizes the molecule and mixes the excited states. The mixed states have a (spectroscopically) allowed transition and, therefore, can both promote the cis-isomerization of the molecule and participate in electron transport. Our work opens new routes for the in situ control of isomerisation reactions in single-molecule contacts. pdf:docinfo:subject: External electric fields (EEFs) have proven to be very efficient in catalysing chemical reactions, even those inaccessible via wet-chemical synthesis. At the single-molecule level, oriented EEFs have been successfully used to promote in situ single-molecule reactions in the absence of chemical catalysts. Here, we elucidate the effect of an EEFs on the structure and conductance of a molecular junction. Employing scanning tunnelling microscopy break junction (STM-BJ) experiments, we form and electrically characterize single-molecule junctions of two tetramethyl carotene isomers. Two discrete conductance signatures show up more prominently at low and high applied voltages which are univocally ascribed to the trans and cis isomers of the carotenoid, respectively. The difference in conductance between both cis-/trans- isomers is in concordance with previous predictions considering -quantum interference due to the presence of a single gauche defect in the trans isomer. Electronic structure calculations suggest that the electric field polarizes the molecule and mixes the excited states. The mixed states have a (spectroscopically) allowed transition and, therefore, can both promote the cis-isomerization of the molecule and participate in electron transport. Our work opens new routes for the in situ control of isomerisation reactions in single-molecule contacts. pdf:docinfo:creator: C.S. Quintans, Denis Andrienko, Katrin F. Domke, Daniel Aravena, Sangho Koo, Ismael Díez-Pérez and Albert C. Aragonès meta:author: C.S. Quintans, Denis Andrienko, Katrin F. Domke, Daniel Aravena, Sangho Koo, Ismael Díez-Pérez and Albert C. Aragonès meta:creation-date: 2021-04-08T07:46:30Z created: 2021-04-08T07:46:30Z access_permission:extract_for_accessibility: true Creation-Date: 2021-04-08T07:46:30Z Author: C.S. Quintans, Denis Andrienko, Katrin F. Domke, Daniel Aravena, Sangho Koo, Ismael Díez-Pérez and Albert C. Aragonès producer: pdfTeX-1.40.21 pdf:docinfo:producer: pdfTeX-1.40.21 pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage: 17 dc:description: External electric fields (EEFs) have proven to be very efficient in catalysing chemical reactions, even those inaccessible via wet-chemical synthesis. At the single-molecule level, oriented EEFs have been successfully used to promote in situ single-molecule reactions in the absence of chemical catalysts. Here, we elucidate the effect of an EEFs on the structure and conductance of a molecular junction. Employing scanning tunnelling microscopy break junction (STM-BJ) experiments, we form and electrically characterize single-molecule junctions of two tetramethyl carotene isomers. Two discrete conductance signatures show up more prominently at low and high applied voltages which are univocally ascribed to the trans and cis isomers of the carotenoid, respectively. The difference in conductance between both cis-/trans- isomers is in concordance with previous predictions considering -quantum interference due to the presence of a single gauche defect in the trans isomer. Electronic structure calculations suggest that the electric field polarizes the molecule and mixes the excited states. The mixed states have a (spectroscopically) allowed transition and, therefore, can both promote the cis-isomerization of the molecule and participate in electron transport. Our work opens new routes for the in situ control of isomerisation reactions in single-molecule contacts. Keywords: molecular electronics; single-molecule junctions; STM break-junction; in-situ isomerisation; carotenoids access_permission:modify_annotations: true dc:creator: C.S. Quintans, Denis Andrienko, Katrin F. Domke, Daniel Aravena, Sangho Koo, Ismael Díez-Pérez and Albert C. Aragonès description: External electric fields (EEFs) have proven to be very efficient in catalysing chemical reactions, even those inaccessible via wet-chemical synthesis. At the single-molecule level, oriented EEFs have been successfully used to promote in situ single-molecule reactions in the absence of chemical catalysts. Here, we elucidate the effect of an EEFs on the structure and conductance of a molecular junction. Employing scanning tunnelling microscopy break junction (STM-BJ) experiments, we form and electrically characterize single-molecule junctions of two tetramethyl carotene isomers. Two discrete conductance signatures show up more prominently at low and high applied voltages which are univocally ascribed to the trans and cis isomers of the carotenoid, respectively. The difference in conductance between both cis-/trans- isomers is in concordance with previous predictions considering -quantum interference due to the presence of a single gauche defect in the trans isomer. Electronic structure calculations suggest that the electric field polarizes the molecule and mixes the excited states. The mixed states have a (spectroscopically) allowed transition and, therefore, can both promote the cis-isomerization of the molecule and participate in electron transport. Our work opens new routes for the in situ control of isomerisation reactions in single-molecule contacts. dcterms:created: 2021-04-08T07:46:30Z Last-Modified: 2021-04-08T08:53:08Z dcterms:modified: 2021-04-08T08:53:08Z title: Tuning Single-Molecule Conductance by Controlled Electric Field-Induced trans-to-cis Isomerisation xmpMM:DocumentID: uuid:2ff1b103-f71c-4ac6-b079-aa853ac5c0c9 Last-Save-Date: 2021-04-08T08:53:08Z pdf:docinfo:keywords: molecular electronics; single-molecule junctions; STM break-junction; in-situ isomerisation; carotenoids pdf:docinfo:modified: 2021-04-08T08:53:08Z meta:save-date: 2021-04-08T08:53:08Z Content-Type: application/pdf X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser creator: C.S. Quintans, Denis Andrienko, Katrin F. Domke, Daniel Aravena, Sangho Koo, Ismael Díez-Pérez and Albert C. Aragonès dc:subject: molecular electronics; single-molecule junctions; STM break-junction; in-situ isomerisation; carotenoids access_permission:assemble_document: true xmpTPg:NPages: 18 pdf:charsPerPage: 4031 access_permission:extract_content: true access_permission:can_print: true meta:keyword: molecular electronics; single-molecule junctions; STM break-junction; in-situ isomerisation; carotenoids access_permission:can_modify: true pdf:docinfo:created: 2021-04-08T07:46:30Z