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The sugar-responsive circadian clock regulator bZIP63 modulates plant growth


Caldana,  C.
Metabolic Regulation of Plant Growth, Department Willmitzer, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society;

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Viana, A. J. C., Matiolli, C. C., Newman, D. W., Vieira, J. G. P., Duarte, G. T., Martins, M. C. M., et al. (2021). The sugar-responsive circadian clock regulator bZIP63 modulates plant growth. New Phytologist. doi:10.1111/nph.17518.

Summary ? Adjustment to energy starvation is crucial to ensure growth and survival. In Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), this process relies in part on the phosphorylation of the circadian clock regulator bZIP63 by SnRK1, a key mediator of responses to low energy. ? We investigated the effects of mutations in bZIP63 on plant carbon (C) metabolism and growth. Results from phenotypic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic analysis of bZIP63 mutants prompted us to investigate the starch accumulation pattern and the expression of genes involved in starch degradation and in the circadian oscillator. ? bZIP63 mutation impairs growth under light-dark cycles, but not under constant light. The reduced growth likely results from the accentuated C depletion towards the end of the night, which is caused by the accelerated starch degradation of bZIP63 mutants. The diel expression pattern of bZIP63 is dictated by both the circadian clock and energy levels, which could determine the changes in the circadian expression of clock and starch metabolic genes observed in bZIP63 mutants. ? We conclude that bZIP63 composes a regulatory interface between the metabolic and circadian control of starch breakdown to optimize C usage and plant growth.