date: 2022-06-16T11:56:47Z pdf:PDFVersion: 1.7 pdf:docinfo:title: Laser-Assisted Floating Zone Growth of BaFe2S3 Large-Sized Ferromagnetic-Impurity-Free Single Crystals xmp:CreatorTool: LaTeX with hyperref access_permission:can_print_degraded: true subject: The quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic insulator BaFe2S3 becomes superconducting under a hydrostatic pressure of 10GPa. Single crystals of this compound are usually obtained by melting and further slow cooling of BaS or Ba, Fe, and S, and are small and needle-shaped (few mm long and 50?200m wide). A notable sample dependence on the antiferromagnetic transition temperature, transport behavior, and presence of superconductivity has been reported. In this work, we introduce a novel approach for the growth of high-quality single crystals of BaFe2S3 based on a laser-assisted floating zone method that yields large samples free of ferromagnetic impurities. We present the characterization of these crystals and the comparison with samples obtained using the procedure reported in the literature. dc:format: application/pdf; version=1.7 pdf:docinfo:creator_tool: LaTeX with hyperref access_permission:fill_in_form: true pdf:encrypted: false dc:title: Laser-Assisted Floating Zone Growth of BaFe2S3 Large-Sized Ferromagnetic-Impurity-Free Single Crystals modified: 2022-06-16T11:56:47Z cp:subject: The quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic insulator BaFe2S3 becomes superconducting under a hydrostatic pressure of 10GPa. Single crystals of this compound are usually obtained by melting and further slow cooling of BaS or Ba, Fe, and S, and are small and needle-shaped (few mm long and 50?200m wide). A notable sample dependence on the antiferromagnetic transition temperature, transport behavior, and presence of superconductivity has been reported. In this work, we introduce a novel approach for the growth of high-quality single crystals of BaFe2S3 based on a laser-assisted floating zone method that yields large samples free of ferromagnetic impurities. We present the characterization of these crystals and the comparison with samples obtained using the procedure reported in the literature. pdf:docinfo:subject: The quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic insulator BaFe2S3 becomes superconducting under a hydrostatic pressure of 10GPa. Single crystals of this compound are usually obtained by melting and further slow cooling of BaS or Ba, Fe, and S, and are small and needle-shaped (few mm long and 50?200m wide). A notable sample dependence on the antiferromagnetic transition temperature, transport behavior, and presence of superconductivity has been reported. In this work, we introduce a novel approach for the growth of high-quality single crystals of BaFe2S3 based on a laser-assisted floating zone method that yields large samples free of ferromagnetic impurities. We present the characterization of these crystals and the comparison with samples obtained using the procedure reported in the literature. pdf:docinfo:creator: M. L. Amigó, A. Maljuk, K. Manna, Q. Stahl, C. Felser, C. Hess, A. U. B. Wolter, J. Geck, S. Seiro and B. Büchner meta:author: M. L. Amigó meta:creation-date: 2021-06-29T08:57:27Z created: 2021-06-29T08:57:27Z access_permission:extract_for_accessibility: true Creation-Date: 2021-06-29T08:57:27Z Author: M. L. Amigó producer: pdfTeX-1.40.21 pdf:docinfo:producer: pdfTeX-1.40.21 pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage: 17 dc:description: The quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic insulator BaFe2S3 becomes superconducting under a hydrostatic pressure of 10GPa. Single crystals of this compound are usually obtained by melting and further slow cooling of BaS or Ba, Fe, and S, and are small and needle-shaped (few mm long and 50?200m wide). A notable sample dependence on the antiferromagnetic transition temperature, transport behavior, and presence of superconductivity has been reported. In this work, we introduce a novel approach for the growth of high-quality single crystals of BaFe2S3 based on a laser-assisted floating zone method that yields large samples free of ferromagnetic impurities. We present the characterization of these crystals and the comparison with samples obtained using the procedure reported in the literature. Keywords: iron-based superconductor; BaFe2S3; laser-assisted floating zone technique; single crystal access_permission:modify_annotations: true dc:creator: M. L. Amigó description: The quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic insulator BaFe2S3 becomes superconducting under a hydrostatic pressure of 10GPa. Single crystals of this compound are usually obtained by melting and further slow cooling of BaS or Ba, Fe, and S, and are small and needle-shaped (few mm long and 50?200m wide). A notable sample dependence on the antiferromagnetic transition temperature, transport behavior, and presence of superconductivity has been reported. In this work, we introduce a novel approach for the growth of high-quality single crystals of BaFe2S3 based on a laser-assisted floating zone method that yields large samples free of ferromagnetic impurities. We present the characterization of these crystals and the comparison with samples obtained using the procedure reported in the literature. dcterms:created: 2021-06-29T08:57:27Z Last-Modified: 2022-06-16T11:56:47Z dcterms:modified: 2022-06-16T11:56:47Z title: Laser-Assisted Floating Zone Growth of BaFe2S3 Large-Sized Ferromagnetic-Impurity-Free Single Crystals xmpMM:DocumentID: uuid:427f4d63-056f-41f1-9204-afc725777df3 Last-Save-Date: 2022-06-16T11:56:47Z pdf:docinfo:keywords: iron-based superconductor; BaFe2S3; laser-assisted floating zone technique; single crystal pdf:docinfo:modified: 2022-06-16T11:56:47Z meta:save-date: 2022-06-16T11:56:47Z Content-Type: application/pdf X-Parsed-By: org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser creator: M. L. Amigó dc:subject: iron-based superconductor; BaFe2S3; laser-assisted floating zone technique; single crystal access_permission:assemble_document: true xmpTPg:NPages: 11 pdf:charsPerPage: 4003 access_permission:extract_content: true access_permission:can_print: true meta:keyword: iron-based superconductor; BaFe2S3; laser-assisted floating zone technique; single crystal access_permission:can_modify: true pdf:docinfo:created: 2021-06-29T08:57:27Z