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HiCeekR: A Novel Shiny App for Hi-C Data Analysis


Gagliardi,  Miriam
RG Genomics of Complex Diseases, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Max Planck Society;

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Di Filippo, L., Righelli, D., Gagliardi, M., Matarazzo, M. R., & Angelini, C. (2019). HiCeekR: A Novel Shiny App for Hi-C Data Analysis. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, 10: 1079. doi:10.3389/fgene.2019.01079.

The High-throughput Chromosome Conformation Capture (Hi-C) technique combines the power of the Next Generation Sequencing technologies with chromosome conformation capture approach to study the 3D chromatin organization at the genome-wide scale. Although such a technique is quite recent, many tools are already available for pre-processing and analyzing Hi-C data, allowing to identify chromatin loops, topological associating domains and A/B compartments. However, only a few of them provide an exhaustive analysis pipeline or allow to easily integrate and visualize other omic layers. Moreover, most of the available tools are designed for expert users, who have great confidence with command-line applications. In this paper, we present HiCeekR (, a novel R Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows researchers to easily perform a complete Hi-C data analysis. With the aid of the Shiny libraries, it integrates several R/Bioconductor packages for Hi-C data analysis and visualization, guiding the user during the entire process. Here, we describe its architecture and functionalities, then illustrate its capabilities using a publicly available dataset.