date: 2022-03-29T18:23:49Z
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pdf:docinfo:title: Multimodal Information Processing and Associative Learning in the Insect Brain
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subject: The study of sensory systems in insects has a long-spanning history of almost an entire century. Olfaction, vision, and gustation are thoroughly researched in several robust insect models and new discoveries are made every day on the more elusive thermo- and mechano-sensory systems. Few specialized senses such as hygro- and magneto-reception are also identified in some insects. In light of recent advancements in the scientific investigation of insect behavior, it is not only important to study sensory modalities individually, but also as a combination of multimodal inputs. This is of particular significance, as a combinatorial approach to study sensory behaviors mimics the real-time environment of an insect with a wide spectrum of information available to it. As a fascinating field that is recently gaining new insight, multimodal integration in insects serves as a fundamental basis to understand complex insect behaviors including, but not limited to navigation, foraging, learning, and memory. In this review, we have summarized various studies that investigated sensory integration across modalities, with emphasis on three insect models (honeybees, ants and flies), their behaviors, and the corresponding neuronal underpinnings.
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dc:title: Multimodal Information Processing and Associative Learning in the Insect Brain
modified: 2022-03-29T18:23:49Z
cp:subject: The study of sensory systems in insects has a long-spanning history of almost an entire century. Olfaction, vision, and gustation are thoroughly researched in several robust insect models and new discoveries are made every day on the more elusive thermo- and mechano-sensory systems. Few specialized senses such as hygro- and magneto-reception are also identified in some insects. In light of recent advancements in the scientific investigation of insect behavior, it is not only important to study sensory modalities individually, but also as a combination of multimodal inputs. This is of particular significance, as a combinatorial approach to study sensory behaviors mimics the real-time environment of an insect with a wide spectrum of information available to it. As a fascinating field that is recently gaining new insight, multimodal integration in insects serves as a fundamental basis to understand complex insect behaviors including, but not limited to navigation, foraging, learning, and memory. In this review, we have summarized various studies that investigated sensory integration across modalities, with emphasis on three insect models (honeybees, ants and flies), their behaviors, and the corresponding neuronal underpinnings.
pdf:docinfo:subject: The study of sensory systems in insects has a long-spanning history of almost an entire century. Olfaction, vision, and gustation are thoroughly researched in several robust insect models and new discoveries are made every day on the more elusive thermo- and mechano-sensory systems. Few specialized senses such as hygro- and magneto-reception are also identified in some insects. In light of recent advancements in the scientific investigation of insect behavior, it is not only important to study sensory modalities individually, but also as a combination of multimodal inputs. This is of particular significance, as a combinatorial approach to study sensory behaviors mimics the real-time environment of an insect with a wide spectrum of information available to it. As a fascinating field that is recently gaining new insight, multimodal integration in insects serves as a fundamental basis to understand complex insect behaviors including, but not limited to navigation, foraging, learning, and memory. In this review, we have summarized various studies that investigated sensory integration across modalities, with emphasis on three insect models (honeybees, ants and flies), their behaviors, and the corresponding neuronal underpinnings.
pdf:docinfo:creator: Devasena Thiagarajan and Silke Sachse
meta:author: Devasena Thiagarajan and Silke Sachse
meta:creation-date: 2022-03-29T07:33:14Z
created: 2022-03-29T07:33:14Z
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Creation-Date: 2022-03-29T07:33:14Z
Author: Devasena Thiagarajan and Silke Sachse
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dc:description: The study of sensory systems in insects has a long-spanning history of almost an entire century. Olfaction, vision, and gustation are thoroughly researched in several robust insect models and new discoveries are made every day on the more elusive thermo- and mechano-sensory systems. Few specialized senses such as hygro- and magneto-reception are also identified in some insects. In light of recent advancements in the scientific investigation of insect behavior, it is not only important to study sensory modalities individually, but also as a combination of multimodal inputs. This is of particular significance, as a combinatorial approach to study sensory behaviors mimics the real-time environment of an insect with a wide spectrum of information available to it. As a fascinating field that is recently gaining new insight, multimodal integration in insects serves as a fundamental basis to understand complex insect behaviors including, but not limited to navigation, foraging, learning, and memory. In this review, we have summarized various studies that investigated sensory integration across modalities, with emphasis on three insect models (honeybees, ants and flies), their behaviors, and the corresponding neuronal underpinnings.
Keywords: sensory systems; olfaction; vision; mechanosensation; gustation; neuronal circuitry; multimodal integration; associative learning; mushroom body; lateral horn; central complex
access_permission:modify_annotations: true
dc:creator: Devasena Thiagarajan and Silke Sachse
description: The study of sensory systems in insects has a long-spanning history of almost an entire century. Olfaction, vision, and gustation are thoroughly researched in several robust insect models and new discoveries are made every day on the more elusive thermo- and mechano-sensory systems. Few specialized senses such as hygro- and magneto-reception are also identified in some insects. In light of recent advancements in the scientific investigation of insect behavior, it is not only important to study sensory modalities individually, but also as a combination of multimodal inputs. This is of particular significance, as a combinatorial approach to study sensory behaviors mimics the real-time environment of an insect with a wide spectrum of information available to it. As a fascinating field that is recently gaining new insight, multimodal integration in insects serves as a fundamental basis to understand complex insect behaviors including, but not limited to navigation, foraging, learning, and memory. In this review, we have summarized various studies that investigated sensory integration across modalities, with emphasis on three insect models (honeybees, ants and flies), their behaviors, and the corresponding neuronal underpinnings.
dcterms:created: 2022-03-29T07:33:14Z
Last-Modified: 2022-03-29T18:23:49Z
dcterms:modified: 2022-03-29T18:23:49Z
title: Multimodal Information Processing and Associative Learning in the Insect Brain
xmpMM:DocumentID: uuid:174e7625-3ffe-44ec-bc44-249feb40bb29
Last-Save-Date: 2022-03-29T18:23:49Z
pdf:docinfo:keywords: sensory systems; olfaction; vision; mechanosensation; gustation; neuronal circuitry; multimodal integration; associative learning; mushroom body; lateral horn; central complex
pdf:docinfo:modified: 2022-03-29T18:23:49Z
meta:save-date: 2022-03-29T18:23:49Z
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creator: Devasena Thiagarajan and Silke Sachse
dc:subject: sensory systems; olfaction; vision; mechanosensation; gustation; neuronal circuitry; multimodal integration; associative learning; mushroom body; lateral horn; central complex
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meta:keyword: sensory systems; olfaction; vision; mechanosensation; gustation; neuronal circuitry; multimodal integration; associative learning; mushroom body; lateral horn; central complex
access_permission:can_modify: true
pdf:docinfo:created: 2022-03-29T07:33:14Z