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Evolución ambiental y registro arqueológico de la cuenca del río Barrancas, provincia de Jujuy, Argentina


Samec,  Celeste
Archaeology, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Max Planck Society;

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Morales, M., Hoguin, R., Oxman, B., Pirola, M., Rouan Sirolli, M., Merler Carbajo, J., Bustos, S., Tchilinguirian, P., Álvarez, L. S., Samec, C., Kohan, P., & Yacobaccio, H. (2022). Evolución ambiental y registro arqueológico de la cuenca del río Barrancas, provincia de Jujuy, Argentina. Revista del Museo de Antropologia, 15(1):, pp. 97-116. doi:10.31048/1852.4826.v15.n1.34596.

引用: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000A-93C1-5
Since 2012 our research team started the “Barrancas Archaeological Project” which main goal is to study the history of the people that dwelled this locality and neighbouring areas during the last 10000 years and yo put in value the cultural heritage of these societies. This paper have two aims: 1) to characterize the general environmental evolution of the Barrancas river basin since the end of Pleistocene and to discuss its impact on the human groups that used it: and 2) to briefly describe the archaeological record recovered in the upper and mid-section of the Barrancas river, mainly the chronology and general characteristics of the archaeological sites under study and the relative chronology and placement of the currently documented rock art. Barrancas archaeological evidence conjoined with the paleoenvironmental data obtained in this basin shows that substantial changes in local habitats have had a relevant role in the way in what human groups used this spaces through time, allowing to characterize them alternatively as a nodal or inter-nodal area through Holocene.