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Partial respecification of nasotemporal polarity in double-temporal chick and chimeric chick-quail eyes


Mueller,  BK       
Department Physical Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;


Dütting,  D
Department Physical Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;


Haase,  A
Department Physical Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;


Feucht,  A
Department Physical Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;


Macchi,  P       
Department Physical Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society;

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Mueller, B., Dütting, D., Haase, A., Feucht, A., & Macchi, P. (1998). Partial respecification of nasotemporal polarity in double-temporal chick and chimeric chick-quail eyes. Mechanisms of Development, 74(1-2), 15-28. doi:10.1016/s0925-4773(98)00058-6.

In chick embryos, naso-temporal polarity of the retina becomes established before Hamburger-Hamilton stage 10. To examine the plasticity of the early eye anlage, double-temporal eyes were made using stage 10-11 (E1.5) chick embryos and stage 8-9 quail embryos. In vivo and in vitro experiments revealed that these double-temporal compound eyes were not completely temporal but nasal in a large peripheral part of the graft. Four hours after transplantation, the nasal-specific fork head transcription factor CBF1 was not expressed in double-temporal eyes but was clearly detectable 24 h later. This suggests that in the peripheral part of the graft, temporal positional values were changed into nasal positional values by a respecification process.