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Turbulent Taylor–Couette flowof dilute polymeric solutions:a 10-year retrospective


Song,  Jiaxing
Max Planck Research Group: Computational Flow Physics and Data Assimilation - ComFyDA, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max Planck Society;

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Song, J., Zhu, Y., Lin, F., Liu, N., & Khomani, B. (2023). Turbulent Taylor–Couette flowof dilute polymeric solutions:a 10-year retrospective. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 381(2243).

This retrospective aims to present a coherent history of important findings in direct numerical simulations and experiments in turbulent Taylor–Couette (TC) flow of dilute polymeric solutions in the last decade. Specifically, the sequence of flow transitions due to a continuous increase of fluid elasticity from classical Newtonian, to inertially and in turn to elastically dominated, and finally to the inertialess purely elastic turbulence, is presented. In each elastically modified flow state, the drag modification, coherent flow structures, velocity and elastic stress statistics, mechanism of turbulent kinetic energy production, spectral features as well as the self-sustaining cycles of turbulence, are discussed. Finally, to provide a broader perspective, an overview of important similarities and differences between elastically induced turbulence in prototypical curvilinear and rectilinear shear flows including the curvature-free limit of TC flow, namely, the spanwise-rotating plane Couette flow, is presented.