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The use of evolutionary analyses to predict functionally relevant traits in filamentous plant pathogens


Taliadoros,  Demetris
IMPRS for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society;
Max Planck Fellow Group Environmental Genomics (Stukenbrock), Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society;


Stukenbrock,  Eva H.       
Max Planck Fellow Group Environmental Genomics (Stukenbrock), Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Max Planck Society;

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Taliadoros, D., & Stukenbrock, E. H. (2023). The use of evolutionary analyses to predict functionally relevant traits in filamentous plant pathogens. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 73: 102244. doi:10.1016/j.mib.2022.102244.

Identifying traits involved in plant-pathogen interactions is one of the major objectives in molecular plant pathology. Evolutionary analyses may assist in the identification of genes encoding traits that are involved in virulence and local adaptation, including adaptation to agricultural intervention strategies. In the past decades, the number of available genome sequences of fungal plant pathogens has rapidly increased, providing a rich source for the discovery of functionally important genes as well as inference of species histories. Positive selection in the form of diversifying or directional selection leaves particular signatures in genome alignments and can be identified with statistical genetics methods. This review summarises the concepts and approaches used in evolutionary genomics and lists major discoveries related to plant-pathogen adaptative evolution. We underline the significant contribution of evolutionary genomics in discovering virulence-related traits and the study of plant-pathogen ecology and adaptive evolution.