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On the Theory and Recent Developments in “Batch Mechanochemical Synthesis – Scale-Up”


Reichle,  Steffen
Research Department Schüth, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society;


Felderhoff,  Michael
Research Group Felderhoff, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Max Planck Society;

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Reichle, S., & Felderhoff, M. (2023). On the Theory and Recent Developments in “Batch Mechanochemical Synthesis – Scale-Up”. In E. Colacino, & F. Garcia (Eds.), Mechanochemistry and Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

This chapter provides the scale-up of mechanochemical systems in batch, and discusses potential milling devices for batch reactions and their working principles and characteristics. Correspondingly, mechanochemical batch processes are ideally suited for producing larger quantities of novel cement formulations and investigating their properties. The method of mechanochemical synthesis followed by spark plasma sintering was additionally used to dope the tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13 with bismuth. Since some mechanochemical reactions also occur at mild conditions, the mortar grinder could potentially be suited for certain upscaling experiments in the laboratory. In addition to the pure utilization of gravity as in drum mills, the grinding media and the material to be ground can also be actively accelerated as in vibration, planetary or attrition mills. Especially in industry, different types of mills exist for particle size reduction like hammer mills, jet mills or colloid mills. Mechanical alloying describes a mechanochemical process in which new, homogeneous composite materials are obtained by treating blends of powdered starting materials.