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Incorporation of nitrogen in antinutritional Solanum alkaloid biosynthesis


Grzech,  Dagny
IMPRS Chemical Communication in Ecological Systems, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Alam,  Ryan M.
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Boccia,  Marianna
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;
IMPRS Chemical Communication in Ecological Systems, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Nakamura,  Yoko
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Hong,  Benke
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Heinicke,  Sarah
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Kunert,  Maritta
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Seibt,  Wibke
Department of Insect Symbiosis, Prof. Dr. Martin Kaltenpoth, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Grabe,  Veit
Microscopy Service, Dr. Veit Grabe, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Caputi,  Lorenzo
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


O’Connor,  Sarah E.       
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;


Sonawane,  Prashant D.
Department of Natural Product Biosynthesis, Prof. Dr. Sarah O'Connor, MPI for Chemical Ecology, Max Planck Society;

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Grzech, D., Smit, S. J., Alam, R. M., Boccia, M., Nakamura, Y., Hong, B., et al. (2025). Incorporation of nitrogen in antinutritional Solanum alkaloid biosynthesis. Nature Chemical Biology, 21, 131-142. doi:10.1038/s41589-024-01735-w.

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