Furlan, Stefano Max Planck Research Group Historical Epistemology of the Final Theory Program, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Max Planck Society;
http://www.fedoabooks.unina.it/index.php/fedoapress/catalog/book/579 (Any fulltext)
35_FURLAN-PULEIO.pdf (Any fulltext), 543KB
Furlan, S., & Puleio, D. (2024). At Home in a Super-Copernican Cosmos: The Genesis of John Wheeler’s Participatory Universe. In M. Di Mauro, L. Romano, & V. Zanini (Eds.), Atti del XLIII Convegno annuale: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference, Padua, 5–8 September 2023, Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia (SISFA) (pp. 305-312). Naples: Federico II University Press. doi:10.6093/978-88-6887-295-3.