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Initiation of Alkane Isomerization on Sulfated Zirconia Catalysts Studied by In Situ X-ray Absorption, UV-vis and IR Spectroscopy


Jentoft,  Friederike C.
Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Klose,  Barbara S.
Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Jentoft,  Rolf E.
Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Ressler,  Thorsten
Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Joshi,  Pradnya
Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Chan Thaw,  Carine
Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Trunschke,  Annette
Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;


Schlögl,  Robert
Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute, Max Planck Society;

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Jentoft, F. C., Klose, B. S., Jentoft, R. E., Ressler, T., Joshi, P., Chan Thaw, C., et al. (2005). Initiation of Alkane Isomerization on Sulfated Zirconia Catalysts Studied by In Situ X-ray Absorption, UV-vis and IR Spectroscopy. Poster presented at 19th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, Philadelphia, USA.

A combined catalytic and multi-method (X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), UV-vis, and diffuse reflectance Fourier transform IR (DRIFTS) spectroscopy) in situ spectroscopic study of sulfated zirconia catalysts during activation and n-butane isomerization is presented, and insight into the low temperature activation of alkanes is given. The question of initiation of n-Butane isomerization was approached in two ways: (i) the influence of inert or oxidizing activation conditions on SZ or Mn-promoted SZ was investigated, because for ODH an oxidized surface should be favorable, and (ii) during n-butane isomerization, the catalyst was checked for products of ODH, i.e. for water, for a reduced catalyst component (Mn, Zr, S) and for butenes or intermediates formed from it.