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References & Citations
Quantitative Biology > Cell Behavior
Title:Flagellar swimmers oscillate between pusher- and puller-type swimming
(Submitted on 22 Apr 2015)
Abstract: Self-propulsion of cellular microswimmers generates flow signatures, commonly classified as pusher- and puller-type, which characterize hydrodynamic interactions with other cells or boundaries. Using experimentally measured beat patterns, we compute that flagellated alga and sperm oscillate between pusher and puller. Beyond a typical distance of 100 um from the swimmer, inertia attenuates oscillatory micro-flows. We show that hydrodynamic interactions between swimmers oscillate in time and are of similar magnitude as stochastic swimming fluctuations.
Submission history
From: Benjamin M. Friedrich [view email][v1] Wed, 22 Apr 2015 13:00:59 UTC (4,029 KB)