Researcher Portfolio
Bradke, Frank
Max Planck Research Group: Axonal Growth and Regeneration / Bradke, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Max Planck Research Group: Axonal Growth and Regeneration / Bradke, MPI of Neurobiology, Max Planck Society
Researcher ID:
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: Stieß, M., Wegehingel, S., Chuong, N., Nickel, W., Bradke, F., & Cambridge, S. B. (2015). A dual SILAC proteomic labeling strategy for quantifying constitutive and cell-cell induced protein secretion. Journal of Proteome Research, 14(8), 3229-3238. doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00199. [PubMan] : Gomis-Rüth, S., Stiess, M., Wierenga, C. J., Meyn, L., & Bradke, F. (2014). Single-cell axotomy of cultured hippocampal neurons integrated in neuronal circuits. Nature Protocols, 9(5), 1028-1037. doi:10.1038/nprot.2014.069. [PubMan] : Flynn, K. C., Hellal, F., Neukirchen, D., Jacob, S., Tahirovic, S., Dupraz, S., Stem, S., Garvalov, B. K., Gurniak, C., Shaw, A. E., Meyn, L., Wedlich-Soeldner, R., Bamburg, J. R., Small, J. V., Witke, W., & Bradke, F. (2012). ADF/Cofilin-Mediated Actin Retrograde Flow Directs Neurite Formation in the Developing Brain. NEURON, 76(6), 1091-1107. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2012.09.038. [PubMan] : Flynn, K. C., Hellal, F., Neukirchen, D., Jacob, S., Tahirovic, S., Dupraz, S., Stem, S., Garvalov, B. K., Gurniak, C., Shaw, A. E., Meyn, L., Wedlich-Soeldner, R., Bamburg, J. R., Small, J. V., Witke, W., & Bradke, F. (2012). ADF/Cofilin-mediated actin retrograde flow directs neurite formation in the developing brain. Neuron, 76(6), 1091-1107. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2012.09.038. [PubMan] : Ertürk, A., Mauch, C. P., Hellal, F., Förstner, F., Keck, T., Becker, K., Jaehrling, N., Steffens, H., Richter, M., Hübener, M., Kramer, E., Kirchhoff, F., Dodt, H. U., & Bradke, F. (2012). Three-dimensional imaging of the unsectioned adult spinal cord to assess axon regeneration and glial responses after injury. Nature Medicine, 18(1), 166-171. doi:10.1038/nm.2600. [PubMan] : Ibiricu, I., Huiskonen, J. T., Doehner, K., Bradke, F., Sodeik, B., & Gruenewald, K. (2011). Cryo electron tomography of herpes simplex virus during axonal transport and secondary envelopment in primary neurons. PLoS Pathogens, 7(12): e1002406. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002406. [PubMan] : Stiess, M., & Bradke, F. (2011). Neuronal Polarization: The Cytoskeleton Leads the Way. Developmental Neurobiology, 71(6 Sp. Iss.), 430-444. [PubMan] : Hellal, F., Hurtado, A., Ruschel, J., Flynn, K. C., Laskowski, C. J., Umlauf, M., Kapitein, L. C., Strikis, D., Lemmon, V., Bixby, J., Hoogenraad, C. C., & Bradke, F. (2011). Microtubule stabilization reduces scarring and causes axon regeneration after spinal cord injury. Science, 331(6019), 928-931. doi:10.1126/science.1201148. [PubMan] : Stiess, M., & Bradke, F. (2011). Controlled Demolition: Smurf1 Regulates Neuronal Polarity by Substrate Switching. Neuron, 69(2), 183-185. [PubMan] : Neukirchen, D., & Bradke, F. (2011). Cytoplasmic Linker Proteins Regulate Neuronal Polarization through Microtubule and Growth Cone Dynamics. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(4), 1528-1538. [PubMan] : Stiess, M., & Bradke, F. (2011). Neuronal transport: Myosins pull the ER. Nature Cell Biology, 13(1), 10-11. [PubMan] : Schmidt, M. V., Schuelke, J.-P., Liebl, C., Stiess, M., Avrabos, C., Bock, J., Wochnik, G. M., Davies, H. A., Zimmermann, N., Scharf, S. H., Truembach, D., Wurst, W., Zieglgaensberger, W., Turck, C., Holsboer, F., Stewart, M. G., Bradke, F., Eder, M., Mueller, M. B., & Rein, T. (2011). Tumor suppressor down-regulated in renal cell carcinoma 1 (DRR1) is a stress-induced actin bundling factor that modulates synaptic efficacy and cognition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(41), 17213-17218. doi:10.1073/pnas.1103318108. [PubMan] : Enes, J., Langwieser, N., Ruschel, J., Carballosa-Gonzalez, M. M., Klug, A., Traut, M. H., Ylera, B., Tahirovic, S., Hofmann, F., Stein, V., Moosmang, S., Hentall, I. D., & Bradke, F. (2010). Electrical Activity Suppresses Axon Growth through Ca(v)1.2 Channels in Adult Primary Sensory Neurons. Current Biology, 20(13), 1154-1164. [PubMan] : Tahirovic, S., Hellal, F., Neukirchen, D., Hindges, R., Garvalov, B. K., Flynn, K. C., Stradal, T. E., Chrostek-Grashoff, A., Brakebusch, C., & Bradke, F. (2010). Rac1 Regulates Neuronal Polarization through the WAVE Complex. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(20), 6930-6943. [PubMan] : Usher, L. C., Johnstone, A., Ertürk, A., Hu, Y., Strikis, D., Wanner, I. B., Moorman, S., Lee, W. L., Min, J., Ha, H. H., Duan, Y. L., Hoffman, S., Goldberg, J. L., Bradke, F., Chang, Y. T., Lemmon, V. P., & Bixby, J. L. (2010). A Chemical Screen Identifies Novel Compounds That Overcome Glial-Mediated Inhibition of Neuronal Regeneration. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(13), 4693-4706. [PubMan] : Riedl, J., Flynn, K. C., Raducanu, A., Gärtner, F., Beck, G., Bösl, M., Bradke, F., Massberg, S., Aszodi, A., Sixt, M., & Wedlich-Söldner, R. (2010). Lifeact mice for studying F-actin dynamics. Nature Methods, 7(3), 168-169. doi:10.1038/nmeth0310-168. [PubMan] : Stiess, M., Maghelli, N., Kapitein, L. C., Gomis-Rueth, S., Wilsch-Brauninger, M., Hoogenraad, C. C., Tolic-Norrelykke, I. M., & Bradke, F. (2010). Axon extension occurs independently of centrosomal microtubule nucleation. Science, 327(5966), 704-707. doi:10.1126/science.1182179. [PubMan] : Hoogenraad, C. C., & Bradke, F. (2009). Control of neuronal polarity and plasticity - a renaissance for microtubules? Trends in Cell Biology, 19(12), 669-676. [PubMan] : Flynn, K. C., Pak, C. W., Shaw, A. E., Bradke, F., & Bamburg, J. R. (2009). Growth Cone-Like Waves Transport Actin And Promote Axonogenesis and Neurite Branching. Developmental Neurobiology, 69(12), 761-779. [PubMan] : Tahirovic, S., & Bradke, F. (2009). Neuronal polarity. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, 1(3): a001644. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a001644. [PubMan] : Ylera, B., Ertürk, A., Hellal, F., Nadrigny, F., Hurtado, A., Tahirovic, S., Oudega, M., Kirchhoff, F., & Bradke, F. (2009). Chronically CNS-Injured Adult Sensory Neurons Gain Regenerative Competence upon a Lesion of Their Peripheral Axon. Current Biology, 19(11), 930-936. [PubMan] : Witte, H., & Bradke, F. (2008). The role of the cytoskeleton during neuronal polarization. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 18(5), 479-487. [PubMan] : Gomis-Rüth, S., Wierenga, C. J., & Bradke, F. (2008). Plasticity of polarization: Changing dendrites into axons in neurons integrated in neuronal circuits. Current Biology, 18(13), 992-1000. [PubMan] : Witte, H., Neukirchen, D., & Bradke, F. (2008). Microtubule stabilization specifies initial neuronal polarization. Journal of Cell Biology, 180(3), 619-632. [PubMan] : Löw, K., Culbertson, M., Bradke, F., Tessier-Lavigne, M., & Tuszynski, M. (2008). Netrin-1 is a novel myelin-associated inhibitor to axon growth. The Journal of Neuroscience, 28(5), 1099-1108. [PubMan]