Researcher Portfolio
Becker, Johannes
Public Economics, MPI for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Public Economics, MPI for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, Max Planck Society
Additional IDs: SSRN:
Researcher ID:
: Karaköse, E., Geiger, T., Flynn, K., Lorenz-Baath, K., Zent, R., Mann, M., & Fässler, R. (2015). The focal adhesion protein PINCH-1 associates with EPLIN at integrin adhesion sites. Journal of Cell Science, 128(5), 1023-1033. doi:10.1242/jcs.162545. [PubMan] : Hellal, F., Hurtado, A., Ruschel, J., Flynn, K. C., Laskowski, C. J., Umlauf, M., Kapitein, L. C., Strikis, D., Lemmon, V., Bixby, J., Hoogenraad, C. C., & Bradke, F. (2011). Microtubule stabilization reduces scarring and causes axon regeneration after spinal cord injury. Science, 331(6019), 928-931. doi:10.1126/science.1201148. [PubMan] : Tahirovic, S., Hellal, F., Neukirchen, D., Hindges, R., Garvalov, B. K., Flynn, K. C., Stradal, T. E., Chrostek-Grashoff, A., Brakebusch, C., & Bradke, F. (2010). Rac1 Regulates Neuronal Polarization through the WAVE Complex. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(20), 6930-6943. [PubMan] : Bamburg, J. R., Bernstein, B. W., Davis, R. C., Flynn, K. C., Goldsbury, C., Jensen, J. R., Maloney, M. T., Marsden, I. T., Minamide, L. S., Pak, C. W., Shaw, A. E., Whiteman, I., & Wiggan, O. (2010). ADF/Cofilin-actin rods in neurodegenerative diseases. Current Alzheimer Research, 7(3), 241-250. doi:10.2174/156720510791050902. [PubMan] : Riedl, J., Flynn, K. C., Raducanu, A., Gärtner, F., Beck, G., Bösl, M., Bradke, F., Massberg, S., Aszodi, A., Sixt, M., & Wedlich-Söldner, R. (2010). Lifeact mice for studying F-actin dynamics. Nature Methods, 7(3), 168-169. doi:10.1038/nmeth0310-168. [PubMan] : Rose, K. A., Allen, J. I., Artioli, Y., Barange, M., Blackford, J., Carlotti, F., Cropp, R., Daewel, U., Edwards, K., Flynn, K., Hill, S. L., HilleRisLambers, R., Huse, G., Mackinson, S., Megrey, B., Moll, A., Rivkin, R., Salihoglu, B., Schrum, C., Shannon, L., Shin, Y.-J., Smith, S. L., Smith, C., Solidoro, C., St John, M., & Zhou, M. (2010). End-To-End Models for the Analysis of Marine Ecosystems: Challenges, Issues, and Next Steps. MARINE AND COASTAL FISHERIES, 2(1), 115-130. doi:10.1577/C09-059.1. [PubMan] : Flynn, K. C., Pak, C. W., Shaw, A. E., Bradke, F., & Bamburg, J. R. (2009). Growth Cone-Like Waves Transport Actin And Promote Axonogenesis and Neurite Branching. Developmental Neurobiology, 69(12), 761-779. [PubMan] : Davis, R. C., Maloney, M. T., Minamide, L. S., Flynn, K. C., Stonebraker, M. A., & Bamburg, J. R. (2009). Mapping cofilin-actin rods in stressed hippocampal slices and the role of cdc42 in amyloid-β-induced rods. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 18(1), 35-50. doi:10.3233/JAD-2009-1122. [PubMan] : Garvalov, B. K., Flynn, K. C., Neukirchen, D., Meyn, L., Teusch, N., Wu, X. W., Brakebusch, C., Bamburg, J. R., & Bradke, F. (2007). Cdc42 regulates cofilin during the establishment of neuronal polarity. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(48), 13117-13129. [PubMan]