Researcher Portfolio
Henry, Amanda G.
Department of Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Max Planck Society, Max Planck Research Group on Plant Foods in Hominin Dietary Ecology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Max Planck Society
Researcher Profile
Position: Max Planck Research Group on Plant Foods in Hominin Dietary Ecology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Max Planck Society
Position: Department of Human Evolution, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Max Planck Society
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(1 - 25 of 60)
: Chen, T., Hou, L., Jiang, H., Wu, Y., & Henry, A. G. (2021). Starch grains from human teeth reveal the plant consumption of proto-Shang people (c. 2000–1600 BC) from Nancheng site, Hebei, China. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13: 153. doi:10.1007/s12520-021-01416-y. [PubMan] : Henry, A. G., Hutschenreuther, A., Paine, O. C., Leichleiter, J., Codron, D., Codron, J., Loudon, J., Adolph, S., & Sponheimer, M. (2019). Influences on plant nutritional variation and their potential effects on hominin diet selection. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 261, 18-30. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2018.11.001. [PubMan] : Henry, A. G., Büdel, T., & Bazin, P.-L. (2018). Towards an understanding of the costs of fire. Quaternary International, 493, 96-105. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2018.06.037. [PubMan] : Power, R. C., Salazar-García, D. C., Rubini, M., Darlas, A., Havarti, K., Walker, M., Hublin, J.-J., & Henry, A. G. (2018). Dental calculus indicates widespread plant use within the stable Neanderthal dietary niche. Journal of Human Evolution, 119, 27-41. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2018.02.009. [PubMan] : Hutschenreuther, A., Watzke, J., Schmidt, S., Büdel, T., & Henry, A. G. (2017). Archaeological implications of the digestion of starches by soil bacteria: Interaction among starches leads to differential preservation. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 15, 95-108. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.07.006. [PubMan] : Henry, A. G. (2017). Neanderthal cooking and the costs of fire. Current Anthropology, 58, 329-336. doi:10.1086/692095. [PubMan] : Lucas, P. W., Omar, R., Al-Fadhalah, K., Almusallam, A. S., Henry, A. G., Michael, S., Arockia Thai, L., Watzke, J., Strait, D. S., van Casteren, A., & Atkins, A. G. (2017). Tooth wear: A response to "Scratching the surface: A critique of Lucas et al. (2013)'s conclusion that phytoliths do not abrade enamel" [J. Hum. Evol. 74 (2014) 130–133]. Journal of Human Evolution, 102, 75-77. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2016.08.004. [PubMan] : Henry, A. G., Debono Spiteri, C., Büdel, T., Hutschenreuther, A., Schmidt, S., & Watzke, J. (2016). Methods to isolate and quantify damaged and gelatinized starch grains. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 10, 142-146. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.09.003. [PubMan] : Turroni, S., Fiori, J., Rampelli, S., Schnorr, S. L., Consolandi, C., Barone, M., Biagi, E., Fanelli, F., Mezzullo, M., Crittenden, A. N., Henry, A. G., Brigidi, P., & Candela, M. (2016). Fecal metabolome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers: A host-microbiome integrative view. Scientific Reports, 6: 32826. doi:10.1038/srep32826. [PubMan] : Turroni, S., Rampelli, S., Centanni, M., Schnorr, S., Consolandi, C., Severgnini, M., Peano, C., Soverini, M., Falconi, M., Crittenden, A. N., Henry, A. G., Brigidi, P., & Candela, M. (2016). Enterocyte-associated microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7: 865. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.00865. [PubMan] : Henry, A. G. (2016). Evolution of the human diet. Ernährungs-Umschau, 63(6), M350-M358. doi:10.4455/eu.2016.030. [PubMan] : Leonard, C., Adolph, S., & Henry, A. G. (2016). Meat or potatoes?: Re-evaluating the role of plant foods in human evolution. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159(S62), 207-207. doi:10.1002/ajpa.22955. [PubMan] : Schnorr, S., Henry, A. G., & Crittenden, A. N. (2016). Lipid metabolism and nutritive factors of the gut microbiota in human foragers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159(S62), 283-283. doi:10.1002/ajpa.22955. [PubMan] : Paine, O., Sponheimer, M., Henry, A. G., Hutschenreuther, A., Leichliter, J., Codron, J., Codron, D., Loudon, J., & Vinsonhaler, I. (2016). Exploring C-4 plant foods: The nutritional properties of South African savanna vegetation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 159(S62), 246-247. doi:10.1002/ajpa.22955. [PubMan] : Power, R. C., Salazar García, D. C., & Henry, A. G. (2016). Dental calculus evidence of Gravettian diet and behaviour at Dolní Věstonice and Pavlov. In J. Svoboda (Ed. ), Dolní Věstonice II: Chronostratigraphy, Paleoethnology, Paleoanthropology (pp. 345-352). Brno: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Archeology. [PubMan] : Schnorr, S., Crittenden, A. N., Venema, K., Marlowe, F. W., & Henry, A. G. (2015). Assessing digestibility of Hadza tubers using a dynamic in-vitro mode. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 158(3), 371-385. doi:10.1002/ajpa.22805. [PubMan] : Power, R. C., Salazar García, D. C., Wittig, R. M., Freiberg, M., & Henry, A. G. (2015). Dental calculus evidence of Taï Forest Chimpanzee plant consumption and life history transitions. Scientific Reports, 5: 15161. doi:10.1038/srep15161. [PubMan] : Power, R. C., Salazar García, D. C., Straus, L. G., Morales, M. R. G., & Henry, A. G. (2015). Microremains from El Mirón Cave human dental calculus suggest a mixed plant-animal subsistence economy during the Magdalenian in Northern Iberia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 60, 39-46. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2015.04.003. [PubMan] : Oxilia, G., Peresani, M., Romandini, M., Matteucci, C., Debono Spiteri, C., Henry, A. G., Schulz, D., Archer, W., Crezzini, J., Boschin, F., Boscato, P., Jaouen, K., Dogandzic, T., Broglio, A., Moggi-Cecchi, J., Fiorenza, L., Hublin, J.-J., Kullmer, O., & Benazzi, S. (2015). Earliest evidence of dental caries manipulation in the Late Upper Palaeolithic. Scientific Reports, 5: 12150. doi:10.1038/srep12150. [PubMan] : Rampelli, S., Schnorr, S., Consolandi, C., Turroni, S., Severgnini, M., Peano, C., Brigidi, P., Crittenden, A. N., Henry, A. G., & Candela, M. (2015). Metagenome sequencing of the Hadza hunter-gatherer gut microbiota. Current Biology, 25(13), 1682-1693. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.04.055. [PubMan] : Leonard, C., Vashro, L., O'Connell, J. F., & Henry, A. G. (2015). Plant microremains in dental calculus as a record of plant consumption: A test with Twe forager-horticulturalists. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2, 449-457. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.03.009. [PubMan] : Leonard, C., O'Connell, J., Vashro, L., & Henry, A. G. (2015). Accounting for nutrient composition in human foraging decisions. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 156(S60), 201-201. doi:10.1002/ajpa.22718. [PubMan] : Henry, A. G. (2015). Formation and taphonomic processes affecting starch granules. In J. M. Marston, & C. Warriner (Eds. ), Method and theory in Paleoethnobotany (pp. 35-50). Boulder, CO: Univ. Press of Colorado. [PubMan] : Wood, B., Henry, A. G., & Hatala, K. G. (Eds. ). (2015). Wiley Blackwell student dictionary of human evolution. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell. [PubMan] : Fiorenza, L., Benazzi, S., Henry, A. G., Salazar García, D. C., Blasco, R., Picin, A., Wroe, S., & Kullmer, O. (2015). To meat or not to meat? New perspectives on Neanderthal ecology. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 156(S59), 43-71. doi:10.1002/ajpa.22659. [PubMan]