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Currently, the high-precision Penning trap mass
spectrometer PENTATRAP is being built at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik,
Heidelberg. The experiment will extend the range of high-precision mass measurements
with uncertainties on the order of 0.01 ppb from light elements to elements of medium
and high atomic numbers. With mass measurements of this accuracy, PENTATRAP will
contribute, e.g., to the determination of the electron anti-neutrino rest mass. To obtain the
mass of an ion species of interest, motional frequencies of a single ion confined in a
Penning trap are determined via the detection of oscillating image currents induced in
detection circuits by the ion's motion. These currents are usually on the order of fA.
Therefore, highly sensitive low-noise detection electronics is required. As a part of the
detection unit for the determination of the so-called axial frequency, which plays a
crucial role in high-precision mass measurements, a down converter with integrated
sideband suppression and low-noise pre-amplifier was set up, tested and optimized
within this thesis. Furthermore, first steps towards the integration of a low-noise SQUID
based amplifier into the PENTATRAP setup were taken.