classical spike-train analysis
multineuronal activity
peri-stimulus time histogram
tuning curve
visual cortex
Responses of neuronal populations play an important role in the encoding of stimulus related information. However, the inherent multidimensionality required to describe population activity has imposed significant challenges and has limited the applicability of classical spike train analysis techniques. Here, we show that these limitations can be overcome. We first quantify the collective activity of neurons as multidimensional vectors (patterns). Then we characterize the behavior of these patterns by applying classical spike train analysis techniques: peri-stimulus time histograms, tuning curves and auto- and cross-correlation histograms. We find that patterns can exhibit a broad spectrum of properties, some resembling and others substantially differing from those of their component neurons. We show that in some cases pattern behavior cannot be intuitively inferred from the activity of component neurons. Importantly, silent neurons play a critical role in shaping pattern expression. By correlating pattern timing with local-field potentials, we show that the method can reveal fine temporal coordination of cortical circuits at the mesoscale. Because of its simplicity and reliance on well understood classical analysis methods the proposed approach is valuable for the study of neuronal population dynamics.