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Mathematics, Group Theory
We study the structure of the commensurator of a virtually abelian subgroup $H$ in $G$, where $G$ acts properly on a $\mathrm{CAT}(0)$ space $X$. When $X$ is a Hadamard manifold and $H$ is semisimple, we show that the commensurator of $H$ coincides with the normalizer of a finite index subgroup of $H$. When $X$ is a $\mathrm{CAT}(0)$ cube complex or a thick Euclidean building and the action of $G$ is cellular, we show that the commensurator of $H$ is an ascending union of normalizers of finite index subgroups of $H$. We explore several special cases where the results can be strengthened and we discuss a few examples showing the necessity of various assumptions. Finally, we present some applications to the constructions of classifying spaces with virtually abelian stabilizers.