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  Political Representation in Europe: Understanding the Party Composition of EU Institutions

Döring, H. (2009). Political Representation in Europe: Understanding the Party Composition of EU Institutions. PhD Thesis, University of Konstanz, Konstanz.

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Döring, Holger1, 2, Autor           
1Politik und politische Ökonomie, MPI for the Study of Societies, Max Planck Society, ou_1214551              
2Universität Konstanz, Germany, ou_persistent22              


Schlagwörter: -
 Zusammenfassung: What explains the party composition of EU institutions? In European democracies, parties are key actors that transmit the political preferences of the electorate into political decisions. Parties are also influential in delegating decision makers to institutions of the European Union (EU). However, the strength of parties changes substantially through differences in the design of democratic institutions. As a consequence, electoral results are translated differently into political representation in European countries and to institutions of the EU.In this work, I explain representation in the EU by focussing on the party composition of EU institutions since 1958. I show how the democratic institutions involved influence the party makeup of the EU. In my study, I highlight the different mechanisms of delegation among member states. I discuss the consequences of institutional design for the strength of parties in parliaments and governments as well as in the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament. I draw on theories of government formation to explain the party make up of the Council. In addition, I explain the selection process to the College of Commissioners over time. By discussing work on the second-order effect in EP elections, I show how the party composition of the Council and the EP are interrelated. My results are based on a new database of electoral results and governmental compositions in Europe.
 Zusammenfassung: In dieser Arbeit untersuche ich die parteipolitische Zusammensetzung der Europäischen Union (EU) seit 1958. Parteien sind zentrale Akteure in den politischen Systemen der Mitgliedsstaaten, welche die Entscheidungsprozesse in den Ländern und in den Institutionen der EU bestimmen. Parteien sind des Weiteren entscheidend an der politischen Willensbildung in den demokratischen Prozessen europäischer Länder und der EU beteiligt. Sie stellen Kandidaten für Wahlen und dominieren die Willensbildung in den Parlamenten. Dabei wird die Stärke der Parteien in besonderem Maße durch politische Institutionen beeinflusst. Durch meine Arbeit erkläre ich Repräsentation in der EU, indem ich die Delegationskette von Wahlen über die Regierungsbildung in den Mitgliedstaaten zur parteipolitischen Zusammensetzung von Rat und Kommission nachzeichne. Des Weiteren diskutiere ich den Zusammenhang des Wahlverhaltens in nationalen Wahlen und den Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament. Dabei lege ich besonderes Augenmerk auf den Einfluss verschiedener Institutionen in der Delegationskette. Mit meiner Arbeit leiste ich einen entscheidenden Beitrag, den Prozess der demokratischen Willensbildung in der EU besser zu verstehen.


Sprache(n): eng - English
 Datum: 2009-07-092009
 Publikationsstatus: Erschienen
 Seiten: 148
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: Konstanz : University of Konstanz
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: Acknowledgements
Summary – Zusammenfassung

1 Introduction

2 Representation in the European Union
2.1 Studying political institutions
2.2 Comparative politics and the study of representation
2.2.1 Procedural representation
2.2.2 Substantive representation
2.3 Understanding the European Union
2.3.1 From grand theories to mid-range puzzle solving
2.3.2 Institutional approaches
2.4 Parties and European integration
2.4.1 The role of parties in European integration
2.4.2 Europe’s party political composition
2.5 Summary

3 Mapping Europe’s political space
3.1 The party composition of parliaments and governments in Europe
3.2 Locating party positions
3.2.1 Expert surveys
3.2.2 Content analysis of political texts
3.2.3 Survey data
3.2.4 Triangulation
3.3 Locating political institutions
3.3.1 Indicators for majority rule
3.3.2 Beyond majority rule
3.3.3 Determining decisive actors of EU institutions
3.3.4 Other indicators
3.4 ParlGov: A database of political institutions
3.4.1 How to organise data on political institutions
3.4.2 Data on the political institutions of the EU
3.4.3 Calculating institutional parameters of the EU
3.5 Descriptive evidence of Europe’s party composition
3.6 Summary

4 Coalition formation in Europe and the Council’s party composition
4.1 National parties and the Council
4.2 Coalition formation in Europe
4.2.1 Theoretical models of government formation
4.2.2 Empirical studies of government formation
4.3 The party composition of the Council
4.4 Empirical analysis
4.4.1 Data
4.4.2 Statistical model
4.5 Summary

5 The Composition of the College of Commissioners: Patterns of Delegation
5.1 The European Commission
5.1.1 The Commission’s position in the European Union
5.1.2 Dimensions of conflict in European politics
5.1.3 Delegation to appointed agents
5.2 Determinants of selection
5.2.1 Empirical studies of Commission preferences
5.2.2 Delegation to the Commission
5.3 Empirical analysis
5.3.1 Data
5.3.2 Descriptive analysis
5.3.3 Multivariate analysis
5.4 Summary

6 Conclusion

A ParlGov database
A.1 Primary tables
A.2 Foreign tables
A.3 Views
A.4 Calculated tables
B Party compositions of EU institutions
B.1 National parliaments
B.2 Council
B.3 European Parliament
B.4 Commission

 Art der Begutachtung: -
 Identifikatoren: -
 Art des Abschluß: Doktorarbeit







