Ion channels
Action potentials
Potassium channels
Neuronal tuning
Random variables
The electrical and computational properties of neurons in our brains are determined by a rich repertoire of membrane-spanning ion channels and elaborate dendritic trees. However, the precise reason for this inherent complexity remains unknown, given that simpler models with fewer ion channels are also able to functionally reproduce the behaviour of some neurons. Here, we stochastically varied the ion channel densities of a biophysically detailed dentate gyrus granule cell model to produce a large population of putative granule cells, comparing those with all 15 original ion channels to their reduced but functional counterparts containing only 5 ion channels. Strikingly, valid parameter combinations in the full models were dramatically more frequent at ~6% vs. ~1% in the simpler model. The full models were also more stable in the face of perturbations to channel expression levels. Scaling up the numbers of ion channels artificially in the reduced models recovered these advantages confirming the key contribution of the actual number of ion channel types. We conclude that the diversity of ion channels gives a neuron greater flexibility and robustness to achieve a target excitability.
Author summary
Over the course of billions of years, evolution has led to a wide variety of biological systems. The emergence of the more complex among these seems surprising in the light of the high demands of searching for viable solutions in a correspondingly high-dimensional parameter space. In realistic neuron models with their inherently complex ion channel composition, we find a surprisingly large number of viable solutions when selecting parameters randomly. This effect is strongly reduced in models with fewer ion channel types but is recovered when inserting additional artificial ion channels. Because concepts from probability theory provide a plausible explanation for this improved distribution of valid model parameters, we propose that this effect may generalise to evolutionary selection in other complex biological systems.