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  Maternal educational attainment in pregnancy and epigenome-wide DNA methylation changes in the offspring from birth until adolescence

Choudhary, P., Monasso, G. S., Karhunen, V., Ronkainen, J., Mancano, G., Howe, C. G., Niu, Z., Zeng, X., Guan, W., Dou, J., Feinberg, J. I., Mordaunt, C., Pesce, G., Baiz, N., Alfano, R., Martens, D. S., Wang, C., Isaevska, E., Keikkala, E., Mustaniemi, S., Thio, C. H. L., Fraszczyk, E., Tobi, E. W., Starling, A. P., Cosin-Tomas, M., Urquiza, J., Roeder, S., Hoang, T. T., Page, C., Jima, D. D., House, J. S., Maguire, R. L., Ott, R., Pawlow, X., Sirignano, L., Zillich, L., Malmberg, A., Rauschert, S., Melton, P., Gong, T., Karlsson, R., Fore, R., Perng, W., Laubach, Z. M., Czamara, D., Sharp, G., Breton, C. V., Schisterman, E., Yeung, E., Mumford, S. L., Fallin, M. D., Lasalle, J. M., Schmidt, R. J., Bakulski, K. M., Annesi-Maesano, I., Heude, B., Nawrot, T. S., Plusquin, M., Ghantous, A., Herceg, Z., Nistico, L., Vafeiadi, M., Kogevinas, M., Vaeaeraesmaeki, M., Kajantie, E., Snieder, H., Corpeleijn, E., Steegers-Theunissen, R. P. M., Yang, I. V., Dabelea, D., Fossati, S., Zenclussen, A. C., Herberth, G., Magnus, M., Haberg, S. E., London, S. J., Munthe-Kaas, M. C., Murphy, S. K., Hoyo, C., Ziegler, A.-G., Hummel, S., Witt, S. H., Streit, F., Frank, J., Raeikkoenen, K., Lahti, J., Huang, R.-c., Almqvist, C., Hivert, M.-F., Jaddoe, V. W. V., Jaervelin, M.-R., Kantomaa, M., Felix, J. F., & Sebert, S. (2023). Maternal educational attainment in pregnancy and epigenome-wide DNA methylation changes in the offspring from birth until adolescence. MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY. doi:10.1038/s41380-023-02331-5.

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アイテムのパーマリンク: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000E-3F64-C 版のパーマリンク: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-000E-3F65-B
資料種別: 学術論文


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Choudhary, Priyanka, 著者
Monasso, Giulietta S., 著者
Karhunen, Ville, 著者
Ronkainen, Justiina, 著者
Mancano, Giulia, 著者
Howe, Caitlin G., 著者
Niu, Zhongzheng, 著者
Zeng, Xuehuo, 著者
Guan, Weihua, 著者
Dou, John, 著者
Feinberg, Jason I., 著者
Mordaunt, Charles, 著者
Pesce, Giancarlo, 著者
Baiz, Nour, 著者
Alfano, Rossella, 著者
Martens, Dries S., 著者
Wang, Congrong, 著者
Isaevska, Elena, 著者
Keikkala, Elina, 著者
Mustaniemi, Sanna, 著者
Thio, Chris H. L., 著者Fraszczyk, Eliza, 著者Tobi, Elmar W., 著者Starling, Anne P., 著者Cosin-Tomas, Marta, 著者Urquiza, Jose, 著者Roeder, Stefan, 著者Hoang, Thanh T., 著者Page, Christian, 著者Jima, Dereje D., 著者House, John S., 著者Maguire, Rachel L., 著者Ott, Raffael, 著者Pawlow, Xenia, 著者Sirignano, Lea, 著者Zillich, Lea, 著者Malmberg, Anni, 著者Rauschert, Sebastian, 著者Melton, Phillip, 著者Gong, Tong, 著者Karlsson, Robert, 著者Fore, Ruby, 著者Perng, Wei, 著者Laubach, Zachary M., 著者Czamara, Darina1, 著者           Sharp, Gemma, 著者Breton, Carrie V., 著者Schisterman, Enrique, 著者Yeung, Edwina, 著者Mumford, Sunni L., 著者Fallin, M. Daniele, 著者Lasalle, Janine M., 著者Schmidt, Rebecca J., 著者Bakulski, Kelly M., 著者Annesi-Maesano, Isabella, 著者Heude, Barbara, 著者Nawrot, Tim S., 著者Plusquin, Michelle, 著者Ghantous, Akram, 著者Herceg, Zdenko, 著者Nistico, Lorenza, 著者Vafeiadi, Marina, 著者Kogevinas, Manolis, 著者Vaeaeraesmaeki, Marja, 著者Kajantie, Eero, 著者Snieder, Harold, 著者Corpeleijn, Eva, 著者Steegers-Theunissen, Regine P. M., 著者Yang, Ivana V., 著者Dabelea, Dana, 著者Fossati, Serena, 著者Zenclussen, Ana C., 著者Herberth, Gunda, 著者Magnus, Maria, 著者Haberg, Siri E., 著者London, Stephanie J., 著者Munthe-Kaas, Monica Cheng, 著者Murphy, Susan K., 著者Hoyo, Cathrine, 著者Ziegler, Anette-G, 著者Hummel, Sandra, 著者Witt, Stephanie H., 著者Streit, Fabian, 著者Frank, Josef, 著者Raeikkoenen, Katri, 著者Lahti, Jari, 著者Huang, Rae-chi, 著者Almqvist, Catarina, 著者Hivert, Marie-France, 著者Jaddoe, Vincent W. V., 著者Jaervelin, Marjo-Riitta, 著者Kantomaa, Marko, 著者Felix, Janine F., 著者Sebert, Sylvain, 著者 全て表示
1Dept. Genes and Environment, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Max Planck Society, ou_2035295              


キーワード: -
 要旨: Maternal educational attainment (MEA) shapes offspring health through multiple potential pathways. Differential DNA methylation may provide a mechanistic understanding of these long-term associations. We aimed to quantify the associations of MEA with offspring DNA methylation levels at birth, in childhood and in adolescence. Using 37 studies from high-income countries, we performed meta-analysis of epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) to quantify the associations of completed years of MEA at the time of pregnancy with offspring DNA methylation levels at birth (n = 9 881), in childhood (n = 2 017), and adolescence (n = 2 740), adjusting for relevant covariates. MEA was found to be associated with DNA methylation at 473 cytosine-phosphate-guanine sites at birth, one in childhood, and four in adolescence. We observed enrichment for findings from previous EWAS on maternal folate, vitamin-B12 concentrations, maternal smoking, and pre-pregnancy BMI. The associations were directionally consistent with MEA being inversely associated with behaviours including smoking and BMI. Our findings form a bridge between socio-economic factors and biology and highlight potential pathways underlying effects of maternal education. The results broaden our understanding of bio-social associations linked to differential DNA methylation in multiple early stages of life. The data generated also offers an important resource to help a more precise understanding of the social determinants of health.


 日付: 2023
 出版の状態: オンラインで出版済み
 ページ: -
 出版情報: -
 目次: -
 査読: -
 識別子(DOI, ISBNなど): ISI: 001118888000002
DOI: 10.1038/s41380-023-02331-5
 学位: -





Project information


出版物 1

種別: 学術雑誌
出版社, 出版地: -
ページ: - 巻号: - 通巻号: - 開始・終了ページ: - 識別子(ISBN, ISSN, DOIなど): ISSN: 1359-4184