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Mathematics, Quantum Algebra
We propose a new approach to building log-canonical coordinate charts for any simply-connected simple Lie group $\G$ and arbitrary Poisson-homogeneous bracket on $\G$ associated with Belavin--Drinfeld data. Given a pair of representatives r,r′ from two arbitrary Belavin--Drinfeld classes, we build a rational map from $\G$ with the Poisson structure defined by two appropriately selected representatives from the standard class to $\G$ equipped with the Poisson structure defined by the pair r,r′. In the An case, we prove that this map is invertible whenever the pair r,r′ is drawn from aperiodic Belavin--Drinfeld data, as defined in~\cite{GSVple}. We further apply this construction to recover the existence of a regular complete cluster structure compatible with the Poisson structure associated with the pair r,r′ in the aperiodic case.